Unintelligence on forums doesn't bother me, but what really grinds my gears is when I find it in the technical "support" or customer "service" representatives I get stuck with periodically. WHERE do these companies find these people??
sorry silverfrost.. saying devious was a blanket word - not all are and I admit my mistake - but believe me ,, the women I know are,,,,, men are simple creatures - just say what you want
gaggles of women aged between 35-55
We had a baby shower at my work. there was heaps of women. It sounded like an aviary.
Also business men.
Also arrogant people. In particular Dick (not his real name but close enough)
Dick is a Christian I work with. My boss is friends with dick. Dick and my boss think that he can make good coffee... He can't. Dick told me "I must be proud of that" when I made a simple rosetta on a coffee. Dick needs to get a hair cut. Dick talks only about dick. I call him dick cos his real name is Richard and it is fitting. DICK
Originally Posted by Evan View Post
35? .......
Yes Evan, there are 35 states in America:
Canada, US, México, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, Ecuador, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Cuba, Bahamas, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Dominica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, St. Lucia, Antigua y Barbuda, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis. St. Vincent and Grenadines..
count them, sir
Those are not states, they are countries.
States are geographical sections of land within a country.
"State" can be and often is synonymous with "country" as well as with "nation"
Schoolboy explanation: Often "state" refers to the government and political institutions and the community over which it has jurisdiction, "nation" referring to a group with a common language, ethnicity, culture, history, etc. "Nation-state" is the term for when a state and a nation coincide.
Language can get fuzzy with all these terms being used in different or overlapping ways