I have a new one: When, as a pedestrian, I'm waiting to cross an intersection and someone next to me decides to cross before the light changes. Now all of a sudden I feel like a pussy standing there because I want to follow the traffic laws. I thought peer pressure was supposed to end after high school.
Myself at time.
He gets really annoying (Or sometimes I say things I wish I thought about before saying)
People walking ahead of you more slowly than you're walking on a narrow sidewalk, but just slow enough that you either end up having to slowly approach them like a stalker and have to awkwardly speed up to get around them, or just slow down and feel like a creeper behind them.
Ironically, also being the person who's walking a bit too slow and making someone else have to do what I said above.
People who smoke in front of an ash tray and throw their cigarette butts on the floor