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Gal-Pals (AKA Fag Hags)
I can relate, Bowyn. I have two gal-pals: one lives in Barcelona, the other is busy all the time so we have very little time to chat or hang out together. And this hurts, since right now I'd need their advice and understanding.

stu Wrote:If you don't take any time off there is no wonder your feeling down. I prescribe some time off! Can't anything be arranged for the old man so you can get time off?

No there is no back up singer in this choir. He is old, all of his friends are old and their kids don't want much to do with them let alone the friend of a old parent.

And he flat refuses to pay for assistance. Especially after I showed him it is 8-12 dollars an hour to hire someone to do what I do.... And that was my attempt to get him to understand that he ain't paying me as well as he might seriously consider.... but that is another story.

Rob Wrote:I can relate, Bowyn. I have two gal-pals: one lives in Barcelona, the other is busy all the time so we have very little time to chat or hang out together. And this hurts, since right now I'd need their advice and understanding.

Yeah that needing advice/support is where I am at right now. And chatting just ain't cutting it.... I do miss being forced to get dressed and being dragged under protest to the Denny's or other incredibly greezy spoon to have 'fun'.... and to 'Eat something David, or I will have Mark sit on you and I will force feed you myself'...

I miss the threats to life and limb, the bullying, the hassling, the 'I won't take your BS Mister'.... *sniff sniff* no one else appears to know how to dominate me like my dear old gal-pal did.... Cry Cry


I knows EXACTLY what you mean, boy toy. My first fruit-fly was a co-worker. Literally from the first day we worked with each other, we finished each others sentences, knew what each other was thinking....etc.... Then she found a guy, got married, had a kid, and moved to another state.

Then I met fruit-fly number two thru Ebay. She lived in Fairfield, CA at the time. We talked, emailed, sent letters and cards to each other for years. Then she invited me to come stay with them in CA for a while to see if I liked it. Condensed version - I hate CA, but got "stuck" out there for 4 years until I could get back to TX. They moved outside Seattle. The kids grew up and she got busier, so I rarely hear from her anymore.

But while in CA, I met fruit-fly number 3 and 4 there. Of course, I moved back to TX, and they miss me. One of them wanted to find some way to get me to come up there for Cmas, but it aint gonna happen. She just bought a house, and I got laid off, so neither one of us have the money.

I have 2 "quasi-friends" here in TX. But one of them is always busy with sick relatives, trying to find a job, and keep the boyfriend happy. The other one never wants to do anything I want to do....so I dont do much with him.

Other than that, I have given a few online peeps my email address, but I rarely hear from them, if at all.

As for finding a new fruit-fly/gal pal/fag hag........you might try the bookshops, all you can eat buffets, and LGBT meetings. Or try an ad in Craigslist, or a local gay paper. Thats all I can think of. Sorry.

I know it sucks. Even though I live "in the city", I have no one around me to help me out. I despise the area where my sister lives, but I have no where else to go if I end up needing help every day, or cannot find a job before my unemployment runs out.

So I know where you are "coming from".

Oh well going to books stores, LGBT stuff and buffets that was all cleverly planned out and enforced by my Gal-Pal...

Besides unlike you, people don't take one look at me and say 'Ah there is a fag in need of a hag'.... Few suspect I'm gay, most are surprised when I say I am....

And that email thing - were you making a point directly at me? If so need I point out that I'm not the aggressive one in this relationship - I have replied to every barb, needling, and email you have sent me... It is not in my nature to initiate anything (sex, conversations, needling, barbing).

I remain your stubborn, recalcitrant toy


Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:Oh well going to books stores, LGBT stuff and buffets that was all cleverly planned out and enforced by my Gal-Pal...

Besides unlike you, people don't take one look at me and say 'Ah there is a fag in need of a hag'.... Few suspect I'm gay, most are surprised when I say I am....

And that email thing - were you making a point directly at me? If so need I point out that I'm not the aggressive one in this relationship - I have replied to every barb, needling, and email you have sent me... It is not in my nature to initiate anything (sex, conversations, needling, barbing).

I remain your stubborn, recalcitrant toy


Well, as for finding a "hag" to hang around you.......all I can say is, get out there....you never know where you will find one.

The email thing was not directed at you. A few others have my email address.

Not to harp on old news, but you do understand I live in a rural area, nearest bus stop is 2 miles and the State of California has no humor when it comes to the idea that the driver may lapse into a deep state of inner reflection for one or two second without warning and that could happen when tooling down the interstate at the posted 65 MPH.

I am wholly and horribly dependent upon others to take me places - and that is predominately my 'roommate' who is still doing that annoying breathing thing.

The only reliable chauffeur I had was my Gal-Pal who is no longer around to take me to places to meet other potential gal-pals. If she was here to drive me to meet a new gal-pal I wouldn't need to go out to meet a new gal-pal....

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:Not to harp on old news, but you do understand I live in a rural area, nearest bus stop is 2 miles and the State of California has no humor when it comes to the idea that the driver may lapse into a deep state of inner reflection for one or two second without warning and that could happen when tooling down the interstate at the posted 65 MPH.

I am wholly and horribly dependent upon others to take me places - and that is predominately my 'roommate' who is still doing that annoying breathing thing.

The only reliable chauffeur I had was my Gal-Pal who is no longer around to take me to places to meet other potential gal-pals. If she was here to drive me to meet a new gal-pal I wouldn't need to go out to meet a new gal-pal....

I would say to the state then....
"You obviously have NO qualms or concerns about giving drivers licenses to crack whores, pot heads, violent psychotics, road ragers, or the blind..........so there is NO reason I should not have a drivers license"!!!!

Yeah.... Well that accomplishes nothing.

Here in California if you have a seizure and report it to a doctor, the doctor must by law report the incident to the DMV who in turn send out an automated form telling you your license is no longer valid.

If you go into the ER while having a Seizure no doctor believes you when you say 'Oh well all of that stopped'... every neurologist is 'concerned' that I had status epilepicus without warning. Apparently once you have one of those your risks of anther are so close to certainty that no doctor will sign off that your seizures are controlled.

If I drive and get caught, they will treat me like a murderer - they take this whole 'medical revocation' of a driver's license as a capital offense....

You're in a shit spot there, David, no question about it. With your only gal-pal gone it's up to you [yes YOU] to do something about it. Best to plan on finding another gal-pal and a backup, just in case.

Somehow you NEED to find a way to take a break. The geezer (sorry) or his family needs to pay for someone else to come in AT LEAST one day a week so you can take care of what's left of your own sanity. $12/hour is cheap for that, so I don't even wanna know what you're getting paid. Maybe you just need to demand triple pay to work Sundays and holidays. It's not like they're going to find someone to replace you at what you're accepting.

Then take that time to hoof it to the bus stop and get social. Chat up some lonely looking waitresses, bookstore clerks, etc. and see what happens. Stay away from the old man's liquor until you have a friend to share it with.

As a bisexual, any close friendship I have has the potential for sexual tension or confusion. I recently asked for more women in my life. Suddenly I am temporarily in business with 4 of them (and I mean strictly economic business), and find myself with a romantic girlfriend. So be careful what you ask for Wink. In your case, however, it's time to ask loud and clear then get out there and make it happen!

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