To the orig post.
It takes a lot to creep me out and when I do go out I've gotten
passes and comments from older gay guys.
I remember a year ago, during our first trip to the Cape my friends
and I were just dancing at this club and an older guy came out of
nowhere and slipped $5 in my pocket xD He said, "Just keep dancing!"
he walked off into the crowd before I could catch him and talk to him.
Later in the evening, he found me again and handed me an unopened
can of beer. [I normally don't accept drink from strangers, but it was sealed, soo..

Then when we came back this past summer, we were at the
same club. And we were dancing off into a corner, and out of
nowhere this guy with an unopened can of beer came up to me
and gave it to me. It was the same guy from last year. He grabbed
me by the shoulders and pulled me closer and said,
"If I were only a little younger and not married to my husband :He shows
me his ring:.. You've really got nice eyes.. "
I blushed and he went off and started talking to my lesbian friend telling
her [I later found out] how he's had a little crush on me ever since he saw
me last summer.
I never found it creepy at all. I don't think being older and creepy go hand in
hand anyways. I've met more creeps my age more than anything ;]