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Creepy old guy....
dfiant1 Wrote:I love you for your mind Wink

Body is hot, facial hair suits you definately...and curling up into a ball is submission Wink

I must say my mind is pretty sexy.

Thooo My hair is in recession Confused

trialbyerror Wrote:Creepy crawly

Never mind a photo of Bow, I've seen him in three movies.

He is the Elvin King remember.

Yip, he's..... well.... Different somehow.... Can't quite peg it.... perhaps it's the 5000 odd years waiting for a "ring"

I know of at least one person (no names no pack-pack) on this forum who thinks I'm the biggest creep around :biggrin: let's just say he lives in London Er......

I'll post my biggest "creep" story later if I get chance....

BTW I'm off to the farm to perve all the other 150 Yo naked men....


Just for you Bow... creepy colorDance

YOU aint creepy by any standards!!!!

And you dont know HOW much makeup is required to make that "Elf" look like that onscreen!!!!
Hell, Tammy Faye would be jealous!!!!

Arkansota Wrote:I think younger guys are creepy. I HATE 6 pack abs on younger guys because they look like the spitting image of an insect thorax. I LOVE older guys.

Oh god I think you just ruined that stud of the day thread for me...

Older guys? How old we talkin'?

To me? Honestly, I don't mind guys of any age teasing me as long as it's all in good fun, but when it comes to flirting... it gets kind of creepy if the perpetrator is over... like... 45 years old.

...but that's just me.

My creepy old guy story

A true story

Years, ago, Oh, I must have been in my 20’s, There was this dude. As old as the hills, we called him “granny Lee”.

Ugly as sin he was, Short plump, no teeth, face shriveled up like an over-ripe prune.

Often at the Dungeon club, dressed In a green dress that laced up at the back, his puce-white flesh oozing through the laces, Usually with one or other outlandish hat…

My first encounter with “Granny Lee” was at the same club, Wearing an over large green hat with 2 or 3 huge green feathers, this mound of wobbly flesh was disco-dancing on the dance floor.

Sometime during the course of the night, somebody ripped the hat off and frisbee’d it to somebody else.

Well Granny wanted her hat back and pushed through the crowded floor in the direction of the hat.

Needless to say, just as Granny got to her hat it was frisbee’d off to somebody else, with granny in tow.

Shit sure, I got I on the act, passing it round and round.

Granny even fell off the raised dance floor….. Much to all of our amusement.

The second encounter was at a flat-warming party.

Dressed in my biking leather pants & biker jacket, Granny grabbed my crotch and in a grating gravelly voice said “Hello my daaaaarling” CREEPY

Well I smashed the hand off and loudly said “get your filthy hands offa me you bitch”

Granny shot back with “Oh no loss, the last time I slept with a cockroach (probably said like cock-roach) was in Duuuuurban” (At that time famous for the size of cockroaches there)

I shot back “Well since you’re into sleeping with insects I wouldn’t speak to loudly)

Granny lived in a bed sitter. A hovel of a place. When Granny was robbed, someone wrote on the graffiti wall at the club Connections: - “please donate your curtains, Granny Lee needs new dresses” Hahahahaha

Some 20 years later, Granny climbed into a Volkswagen beetle and died in a car crash on the way down to Durban….

The body, brought back to Johannesburg, was laid to rest in west-park cemetery, a pauper’s burial.

Then the shit hit the fan…..

The Apartheid government found out that Granny… Well Granny was actually a coloured and buried in a “whites” grave.

They wanted to exhume the body. The moffies said “hands off” But by then the government was embroiled in the 1994 change of government and it kinda got lost.

A couple of years later I found out: -
Granny used to be a teacher of note in one or other small Karoo town and was actually a very intelligent man, who had chucked it all up.

Granny used to sit for hours and hours, keeping terminally ill people company in the dead of night. Many was the hand that went limp in his, the only one who cared for these lonely, frightened dying people, abandoned by their kith and kin

Granny used to scour the streets at night, picking up the homeless ones. White, Black, youngster’s druggies, made no difference to Granny, a bed, a bath & a meal… It was one of these social waifs that robbed him… Several times I believe….

I never knew…

Dear Granny
If only I could say sorry.

Sorry for making you the laughing stock at the club, Sorry for laughing at the graffiti, sorry for being so vicious and bitchy … No excuses I am so sorry

If I could say thank you.

I would say thank you for all those dying people in their darkest hour, Thank you for all those on the streets you gave a uplifting hand to, thank you for bearing all the anguish when you where robbed. And Thank you for the greatest lesson in life I’ve learned……….. Humility

Controversial in life, controversial in death…. A true gay South African Icon…

To Granny Lee,
With all my love

Never judge a book by it's cover....

trialbyerror Wrote:My creepy old guy story

A true story

Years, ago, Oh, I must have been in my 20’s, There was this dude. As old as the hills, we called him “granny Lee”.

Ugly as sin he was, Short plump, no teeth, face shriveled up like an over-ripe prune.

Often at the Dungeon club, dressed In a green dress that laced up at the back, his puce-white flesh oozing through the laces, Usually with one or other outlandish hat…

My first encounter with “Granny Lee” was at the same club, Wearing an over large green hat with 2 or 3 huge green feathers, this mound of wobbly flesh was disco-dancing on the dance floor.

Sometime during the course of the night, somebody ripped the hat off and frisbee’d it to somebody else.

Well Granny wanted her hat back and pushed through the crowded floor in the direction of the hat.

Needless to say, just as Granny got to her hat it was frisbee’d off to somebody else, with granny in tow.

Shit sure, I got I on the act, passing it round and round.

Granny even fell off the raised dance floor….. Much to all of our amusement.

The second encounter was at a flat-warming party.

Dressed in my biking leather pants & biker jacket, Granny grabbed my crotch and in a grating gravelly voice said “Hello my daaaaarling” CREEPY

Well I smashed the hand off and loudly said “get your filthy hands offa me you bitch”

Granny shot back with “Oh no loss, the last time I slept with a cockroach (probably said like cock-roach) was in Duuuuurban” (At that time famous for the size of cockroaches there)

I shot back “Well since you’re into sleeping with insects I wouldn’t speak to loudly)

Granny lived in a bed sitter. A hovel of a place. When Granny was robbed, someone wrote on the graffiti wall at the club Connections: - “please donate your curtains, Granny Lee needs new dresses” Hahahahaha

Some 20 years later, Granny climbed into a Volkswagen beetle and died in a car crash on the way down to Durban….

The body, brought back to Johannesburg, was laid to rest in west-park cemetery, a pauper’s burial.

Then the shit hit the fan…..

The Apartheid government found out that Granny… Well Granny was actually a coloured and buried in a “whites” grave.

They wanted to exhume the body. The moffies said “hands off” But by then the government was embroiled in the 1994 change of government and it kinda got lost.

A couple of years later I found out: -
Granny used to be a teacher of note in one or other small Karoo town and was actually a very intelligent man, who had chucked it all up.

Granny used to sit for hours and hours, keeping terminally ill people company in the dead of night. Many was the hand that went limp in his, the only one who cared for these lonely, frightened dying people, abandoned by their kith and kin

Granny used to scour the streets at night, picking up the homeless ones. White, Black, youngster’s druggies, made no difference to Granny, a bed, a bath & a meal… It was one of these social waifs that robbed him… Several times I believe….

I never knew…

Dear Granny
If only I could say sorry.

Sorry for making you the laughing stock at the club, Sorry for laughing at the graffiti, sorry for being so vicious and bitchy … No excuses I am so sorry

If I could say thank you.

I would say thank you for all those dying people in their darkest hour, Thank you for all those on the streets you gave a uplifting hand to, thank you for bearing all the anguish when you where robbed. And Thank you for the greatest lesson in life I’ve learned……….. Humility

Controversial in life, controversial in death…. A true gay South African Icon…

To Granny Lee,
With all my love

Never judge a book by it's cover....

Quite a moving story... I am touched.

Joshular Wrote:I generally have a phobia of Australians so when dfiant comes on to me I often curl up into a ball and roll down hill. Buh he usually catches me cos he rides kangaroos bare back. So to conclude (other than Daz being a skank :3) you can hit on me. I find it a bit of a confidence boost if someone tells me I'm cute or hot.
So this is me doing something.

[Image: Photoon2013-11-26at10543_zps4254c10b.jpg]
Commence flirtations...
(also you can see some nip >.o)
ALSO Rate my face hair plz

[COLOR="Blue"]Aww you're so adorable ;3

Your skin is so pale, you look ethereal and your facial hair makes you look more edgy than you probably actually are ;3

It gives a sense of age or maturity, but your skin belies that and not only that, but your eyes make you look less innocent then you portray yourself and your muscle tone states that you take after your mother, but dear mercy of the divine tree, your hands are like Sasquatch hands lol. That's definitely your deddy ;3

It's amazing how much darker your facial hair is to your hair on your head, it's like a whole 2-3 tones darker, but then again, shampoos and what not strip the hair of nutrients and colour sometimes, especially over long periods, as does the sun in a way and if I recall correct about New Zeland sun, it has high UV and also your genetic code.

My locks are Black and Red from my Mother cause she has that dual-gene thing going on, but because I was and am in the sun kinda often, it lightens to orange.

So all in all, I'd give ya a 8.7/10 ... you know, cause I don't like facial hairs Wink

And yes... I tend to notice this type of stuff... it's like a curse ;o [/COLOR]

Joshular Wrote:Well for creepy I still have a pic of Odi that that was given to me months ago by accident

Ugh still? Gurl get rid of that lol. But now you've returned the favour ;3

So there! Msn-slapping

HumbleTangerine Wrote:From my very limited experience with gay bars, I've noticed that a lot of older men are almost apologetic when interacting with younger guys. They seem somewhat restrained, as if aware that the guy they're striking up a conversation with might reject them due to the age difference. It's a little sad that such an assumption is there from the very beginning, sort of lurking underneath. Besides, the idea that "if a guy talks to me in a gay bar, he definitely wants to have sex with me" is kind of disturbing but nonetheless that's how most people seem to feel. It sort of explains why everyone I've ever talked to in a gay bar ended up saying something like "sorry, you're not for me" and leaving or putting their hand on my leg. Oh well.

I recently interacted with a guy on OkCupid. He was 51, which is definitely out of age range (I'm 32). But what he wrote to me is what turned me off:

"Hi....sorry that I keep checking you out. I really like your profile.
I'm a young 51. Ouch, lol. Give a guy a chance."

Really? There's nothing in my profile that would even suggest "stay away, everyone 45 and up." It's the insecurity present in the above message that turned me off, far more than the age difference. If the guy who catches your fancy is a bit younger and you're wondering if he's the kind that goes for older, I don't know if saying the above is the best way of approaching the situation.

My response:

"Hi there, I'm flattered by your words, and you seem like a sweet guy. But I think the things we're seeking aren't compatible between us, so let's leave it at that. Take care, and good luck in future dating adventures!"

Tried to be respectful and turn him down in the most polite way possible. Later he writes:

"Bummer.....are you sure?"

And I write back:

"Yes, I'm sure."

He's now blocked.

Sigh......he gave it a try, in a really awkward way, but was kinda whiny about the response. Neither of these endear me to other people, especially in the introductory stages. It wasn't so much being "the creepy old guy" as it was about "the insecure guy who can't graciously take 'no' for an answer."

xzeik Wrote:Older guys? How old we talkin'?

To me? Honestly, I don't mind guys of any age teasing me as long as it's all in good fun, but when it comes to flirting... it gets kind of creepy if the perpetrator is over... like... 45 years old.

...but that's just me.

Why 45, why not 40 or 50?

Or 30 or 60???

trialbyerror Wrote:My creepy old guy story

A true story

Years, ago, Oh, I must have been in my 20’s, There was this dude. As old as the hills, we called him “granny Lee”.

Ugly as sin he was, Short plump, no teeth, face shriveled up like an over-ripe prune.

Often at the Dungeon club, dressed In a green dress that laced up at the back, his puce-white flesh oozing through the laces, Usually with one or other outlandish hat…

My first encounter with “Granny Lee” was at the same club, Wearing an over large green hat with 2 or 3 huge green feathers, this mound of wobbly flesh was disco-dancing on the dance floor.

Sometime during the course of the night, somebody ripped the hat off and frisbee’d it to somebody else.

Well Granny wanted her hat back and pushed through the crowded floor in the direction of the hat.

Needless to say, just as Granny got to her hat it was frisbee’d off to somebody else, with granny in tow.

Shit sure, I got I on the act, passing it round and round.

Granny even fell off the raised dance floor….. Much to all of our amusement.

The second encounter was at a flat-warming party.

Dressed in my biking leather pants & biker jacket, Granny grabbed my crotch and in a grating gravelly voice said “Hello my daaaaarling” CREEPY

Well I smashed the hand off and loudly said “get your filthy hands offa me you bitch”

Granny shot back with “Oh no loss, the last time I slept with a cockroach (probably said like cock-roach) was in Duuuuurban” (At that time famous for the size of cockroaches there)

I shot back “Well since you’re into sleeping with insects I wouldn’t speak to loudly)

Granny lived in a bed sitter. A hovel of a place. When Granny was robbed, someone wrote on the graffiti wall at the club Connections: - “please donate your curtains, Granny Lee needs new dresses” Hahahahaha

Some 20 years later, Granny climbed into a Volkswagen beetle and died in a car crash on the way down to Durban….

The body, brought back to Johannesburg, was laid to rest in west-park cemetery, a pauper’s burial.

Then the shit hit the fan…..

The Apartheid government found out that Granny… Well Granny was actually a coloured and buried in a “whites” grave.

They wanted to exhume the body. The moffies said “hands off” But by then the government was embroiled in the 1994 change of government and it kinda got lost.

A couple of years later I found out: -
Granny used to be a teacher of note in one or other small Karoo town and was actually a very intelligent man, who had chucked it all up.

Granny used to sit for hours and hours, keeping terminally ill people company in the dead of night. Many was the hand that went limp in his, the only one who cared for these lonely, frightened dying people, abandoned by their kith and kin

Granny used to scour the streets at night, picking up the homeless ones. White, Black, youngster’s druggies, made no difference to Granny, a bed, a bath & a meal… It was one of these social waifs that robbed him… Several times I believe….

I never knew…

Dear Granny
If only I could say sorry.

Sorry for making you the laughing stock at the club, Sorry for laughing at the graffiti, sorry for being so vicious and bitchy … No excuses I am so sorry

If I could say thank you.

I would say thank you for all those dying people in their darkest hour, Thank you for all those on the streets you gave a uplifting hand to, thank you for bearing all the anguish when you where robbed. And Thank you for the greatest lesson in life I’ve learned……….. Humility

Controversial in life, controversial in death…. A true gay South African Icon…

To Granny Lee,
With all my love

Never judge a book by it's cover....

Well, its not your fault. Im sure plenty of these "creepy" guys have been decent people. WHY they insist on being the way they are at the gay places is beyond me.....maybe its a form of escape to something else???

I have done/said bad things to people, because, I too, have gotten caught up in the moment and become a part of the hate. Shame on me. I see the look on these peoples faces and I feel like shit....worse than shit. There is no name for it.

Regardless of them being considered "creepy", weird, or "off", is no reason to get nasty with them. We have become what we preach against. And its a hugely sobering thing to do this and look at yourself in the mirror the next day.

Who's the fucking [SIZE="4"]creepy guy now?

This is one of the reasons I fought my "demons" back when....and I decided then, I was more interested in a persons mentality and personality than their looks. Yes, I like the looks of some people, but they are just pretty to look at. Its been my experience that 90% of all "pretty people" are shallow, plastic, and egotistical.

Again....dont judge a book by its cover.

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