Unscrew your waste trap and remove the gunk.
Eww I hate drains.
But do try the boiling water and detergent trick. Get like a giant pot of water boiling and mix detergent in (dont breath the fumes) and pour it all down the drains affected.
Afterwards, to get rid of some of the smell, pour about a quarter cup of dry baking soda into the sink, and using a paper towel, press it down, then pour an equal amount of white vinegar into it and let sit for 10 minutes.
Rinse well, it should remove some odour.
try sealing the plug with a condom and use some k&y for a sealant, oh and don't forget to use caulk and pvc for protection...wait a minute...:biggrin:
The ideas for how to chemically and or heat the clogs away will only get you so far. Congealed fats, including those in your soaps, are only a small part of the problem. The real problem is likely a mixture of those solids along with a combination of lint and hair, plus tons of other stuff that is just plain unpleasant and not going to go away without a physical attack.
Drain snakes are actually not that expensive or hard to use. You should buy one and learn to use it. Get the longest your local hardware has to offer. Resist the salesperson who tries to sell you a motorized one or one that works via air pressure. The latter can actually shatter your pipes. The old fashioned hand crank style drain snake is perfectly adequate in most cases. Anything it can't remove is probably best left to a professional plumber.
Oh, and while you're at the hardware store meat a guy.