To Meebles : a new functional panchreas....and I'll eliminate those auto-lymphocytes that escaped the (99% of the time) rigurous control of the immune system, otherwise the new panchreas will just get attacked again...
To Chase: His degree already, and a top position in Skynet...forget the s*** loads of money, he will work wonders there...
To Bowyn: his own personalized adjustable sun...to keep him at a nice stable temperature always, along with a nice age appropriate faithfull and decent money-making complimentary elf.
To Tinkles: some cat litter is never a wrong choice

and I'll throw in a cute litter provider salesman too..also, he drives a truck..and it's not a pussy wagon
To Wade: A restored piano from the mad pianist of his choice: could be the German deaf dude, the Hungarian insanity personified, etc...
To Jovial: Since he already got the Turkish folk, I'll throw in a full scholarship for the career of his choice for when he can study again..
To Duckie: a sick sick sick in the head 20-25 year old, into SM, camping and whatnot, with a body to drool for...
To the mad owl: His very own ironclad with a complimentary pickelhaube and the chance to partake in the Partisan Games, a yearly event in which a bunch of Brits are selected to play a little competition that makes them fight against real life fascist and stalinist-like communist invading armies and the last one who survives the invading forces wins..:biggrin:
To Miles: Since he's so damn close anyway, I give him the Norfolk Naval Base...do with it what you like (oh, and the sailors are included :biggrin