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Riding Along.
Riding along,
your eyes straight ahead
or peering at cars passing by.
I hold back my soul.
I can't lose control.
Simply, because you're a guy.

Riding along,
My eyes straight ahead
or glancing at you when I can.
I wish you would stay.
I have things to say.
But forbidden because you're a man.

Riding along,
My thoughts straight ahead.
My best friend is leaving today.
To fight in a war,
I'll see him no more.
I love him, but he is not gay.

Riding along,
heading back home.
Knowing your words were so true.
I'm holding the wheel.
Tears glinting like steel.
Because you spoke: "I Love you."

That was beatiful....thanks for that...Confusedmile:

keep' em coming

To the slaughter of me

In making you the center of my life
I've left no more room for myself
In giving to you constant sacrifice
It seems I've become someone else
I'm worn and bruised
from your stealing from me
all that I ever was
So now I refuse your selfish pleas
and try to rebuild because,
In making you the center of my life
I've lost who I could have been
In giving to you constant sacrifice
I've committed the worst of sins Samfreek -2010

Parasitic Memories

All these little creeping things
that dart and flit between the seams
of fleeting thoughts and cluttered minds
their footprints in the sands of time
are winds of change
are fires of truth
these creeping things
that sprang from youth
they gorge themselves upon my fears
and wash them down with salty tears
stolen from my hidden face
as darkness stalks
as daylight fades
Samfreek- 2010

Wow, the first one was really moving… that last line was very emotionally charged.

I instantly connected with the first half of the second (which if you knew me, you would not be a surprised).
The third was very nicely written. Smile

You are very talented, please include more as you wish…

These are amazing Samfreek. They made me uncomfortable because they provoked an emotional response from me. Do continue to express yourself through poetry, your poetry is honest and that makes it powerful.

If you make any more that you want to share, leave them here Smile.

I write for release and for fun. I am not a professional and I am only mildly educated lol so bear with me. Here is a bit of a story I wrote inspired by Sam Worthington♥♥♥♥♥ and Henry Cavill♥♥♥ who have both cost me a ton of money in dry cleaning my sheets. Smile If this stuff is too racy (it gets pretty x rated later on) feel free to tell me to shove these stories back into my mind and keep them there.

Whiskey Road Parts 1&2

I felt so bad for my friend Aden. He had just returned from Iraq, serving his country when his wife told him that she had been having an affair with his brother Alan. Way to keep it in the fucking family Miranda. She also let him know that their two year old daughter was really his niece, their house was now her house, and the car, and half his money. He was fucked.

Poor bastard. I had never seen him this way before. I visited him at his folk's place up in Redwater, the shit hole little town we grew up in. He was like a zombie, his usually short brown hair now long and curly. His skin was pale and his face overgrown with a thick beard. He looked like shit, but even in this state he was a far more attractive man than I. His deep brown eyes seemed to stare at nothing. His white teeth hidden behind unsmiling lips. His muscular body slouched over all the time. He sometimes reminded me of Henry Cavill in that Superman movie, only not as tall or pretty.

He sat on the porch of the farmhouse his father still managed to hold on to, and nodded to me as I pulled up in my truck. I tried to think of something to make him laugh, so I asked if his sister was home. "Fuck you!" he said, barely cracking an irritated smile. He knew of my past encounters with Tess in high school, and we nearly ended our friendship because of it.

"Hi Aden!" Allie shouted through her window. Obviously irritated at my joke and wanting to change the subject of our conversation for us. Allie and I have been together for 3 years. Allie and I decided together that we would let Aden live with us at my parent's lake house for the summer. He declined several times and I informed him that he would spend the summer chatting with his father about corn, soybeans and what best type of shovel is used for horseshit, or he could have some peace and quiet relaxing on the dock with his dog and a cooler of ice cold beers. That was enough to get him to agree.

Aden greeted her dryly. he seemed to close himself off from female kind as of late. That happens when you get burned, you learn to avoid fire. We went inside to grab his things, but before I crossed the threshold, I turned and signed the words I love you to Allie. I had a good one, I was lucky.

After talking with Pop, our childhood name for Aden's father, He and I grabbed his luggage and headed for the door. We loaded up, stopped at Fred's Shed to pick up some jerky and soda and were on our way. The ride was quiet, and neither Allie nor myself wanted to bring up his ex or his brother.

"How you doing bud ?" I asked, looking at him through the rear view mirror and seeing my grey eyes in the reflection. No answer. I pushed my dark red hair out of my face and rubbed my left hand over my beard. I realized that I look a lot like my father with a full beard. Handsome asshole. My dad looks like an older Sam Worthington, I do a bit as well, if he were a bit stockier and had a scar down the right side of his face from a bar fight. The other guy suffered worse, trust me.

After a few seconds Aden answered. "I'm fine, still a little shaken up." he said.

"I understand." I replied.

"No you don't." He responded.

"You're right man, I really don't, but I'm here for you just the same." I reassured him, scratching my left shoulder where the safety belt was irritating my skin. I should have worn a tee shirt instead of this wife-beater. I wanted to show off that i had been working out. He and I had always had this competitive thing going, all through 3rd grade and college. He was cut like marble in the pictures he sent his wife while overseas. I was not going to let him catch me soft.

Aden held his head low for the rest of the trip. We passed the time listening to tunes and Youtube videos. I found myself glancing back through the mirror to see how he was doing. He was a far cry from the Aden I knew growing up. He was always so carefree and confident until he met Miranda. It was apparent that the bitch broke him.

His brother had always been jealous of our friendship, and his marriage to Miranda as well. Alan was a fuck up to say the least. When Aden was off to Iraq, Alan was on his way to prison. Everything their father wanted Alan to be, Aden was. Aden was just a great guy all around, which makes it more difficult for everyone to understand why his wife and brother would do this to him.

I felt anger well up inside me. I wanted to knock his fucking teeth in. A quick glance in the mirror at his sullen face cemented that resolve. He was staring out the window, eyes red, holding back tears. I realized that the song on the radio was 'I wanna love you forever'. Allie must have caught it too, she quickly switched the station. God I love this woman. But all I wanted so badly right now was to put my boot up Alan and Miranda's asses.

I had had several fistfights with Alan in the past, he seemed to like to pick fights with me. It was not my fault that Aden treated me more like a brother than he did Alan. Alan was never there for him, not even when their mother was dying of cancer. I was there. I left work for a month to be able to help him and his father take care of her until her death. I even pitched in to help pay for the funeral costs and a few of the medical bills. Hell, it was due to Aden that I have become as successful as I am.

He taught me to be confident, like him, and to not take shit from anyone. Shit, he and his dad taught me how to be a man. He had a father growing up, my dad died when I was two, so what I learned about being a man, I learned from Aden's family. I will always treasure that. He taught me how to approach girls in high school too. I felt myself smiling. I was swimming in pussy, we both were. But I found Allie and knew she was the one.

We pulled in to a rest stop. I had to piss. We all got out and stretched. "I gotta take a leak." I said.

"Me too." Allie said, running to the building in a childish and cute way.

Aden and I made our way to the door as it closed behind Allie. I put my hand on his shoulder reassuringly and opened it for him.

"Ladies first." I proclaimed jokingly.

"Your chivalry is not needed here, kind sir." he replied with a smile, pushing my hand off his shoulder and shoving me back.

We both laughed. "Well, I assumed it was, seeing as how you intend to cry the whole summer, do you need to stop for Tampax too?? maybe some Midol?"

He chuckled and punched me in the right arm hard. "Fuck you, you'll know what it's like, once Allie rips your heart out."

"I don't have any brothers for Allie to fuck." I said mockingly.

He cringed. "Yeah you do, you're looking at him." he said, turning and heading to the men's room door.

It felt good to see him come to life again. I was determined to have my friend back no matter what it took.

"We are just going to relax and not worry about a thing this summer Aden, OK?"

"Yeah, I'll try." he promised. "I cant just push her out of my mind."

"I know man." I said. "But you can get shitfaced drunk still can't you?"

I shook the remaining drops of piss away. He stopped mid-stream and looked at me, smiling. "Sure as the sky is blue brother."

We washed our hands talking about hiring an escort for him this weekend.
"I'm done with women for a while." he said through the noise of the hand dryer.
"I think I need a break." He looked tired. It was not like him at all to turn down a good time with a naughty girl.

"Okay then, maybe Allie will let you borrow one of her dildos, I'll ask her!" I said quickly and hurried off shouting Allie's name. He chased after until we both reached the car giggling like teenagers and out of breath.

Allie smiled at us both and walked over to Aden and gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. I smiled warmly.

"So good to see you smile big guy." She said to him as she got into the vehicle.

"Yeah, and if you want to keep that smile, get your hands off my wife asshole." I joked.

We all laughed.

"Thank you both for inviting me. I feel a little better now that I'm out of that town."

The rest of the drive was a blast. Aden was closer to his usual self, talkative, cracking jokes and singing along to songs on the radio. I felt so happy that he was having fun. Soon it was dark and I switched places with Allie so I could take a quick nap. I looked back to see if Aden was still awake, and he was fast asleep. I nodded off with Allie stroking my leg.

I dreamed of Aden crying in a dark room, holding a gun to his head. I rushed over and took the gun away and held him close. He looked up at me, his face in my hands and he kissed me.

I woke up with a gasp. What the actual fuck was that? I had never had a dream about Aden before, and I sure as fuck had never though of kissing him.

"You okay babe?" Allie asked, with a worried look on her face. She reached over and ran her fingers through my hair. It felt good. I leaned over and kissed her cheek.

I could not bring myself to go back to sleep, so I just watched the lights of oncoming traffic get closer and closer. I looked into the back seat. He was asleep. His eyes were moving under their lids. He was dreaming. I looked at his face, he looked so peaceful. My eyes kept wandering to his lips. I felt my manhood swelling.

I fought against this new sensation, this new feeling that was welling up inside me. Allie must have glanced over and seen that I was getting hard. She smiled wickedly and began to rub my cock through my jeans. I let her hand work it's magic, extending me further and further. I glanced back to look at Aden, who was had a tiny thread of drool sparkling in his soft beard.

"Don't worry, he's out cold." Allie whispered as she moved her hand faster and faster across the fabric over my pulsing 8 inches, thinking that I was looking back to make sure he wasn't watching. I glanced back one last time at his handsome face, and I came in my jeans. I leaned over and kissed Allie's neck, sat back in my seat and began to hate myself for what I was feeling.

To be continued....


I lie here in fear,
though certainly safe.
In your arms I accept defeat.
Another man? Break me?
Dominated and sated.
In your arms somehow complete

I lie here in doubt,
sweat soaking my skin.
In your arms I ignore the pain
Another man? Shake me!
Infatuated, elated.
In your arms I am truly me.

I lie here in joy,
taking all of you in.
In your arms I rock and moan.
Another Man. Believe me?
Neither can I.
In my mind I am all alone.

Dear Pal
I'd rather be your friend than your nothing
so I'll keep my heart to myself
I'd rather you care and always be there
so I'll not scare you away
I'd rather be your buddy than nothing
So I'll support you and stand by your side
I'd much rather see that you're happy
E'en though I am dying inside.

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