I learned today that no matter how bad you screwed up, people can forgive you. Over the past weekend, I went to visit my friends in Ottawa, and I was on Grindr and my ex from 6 years ago was on... he was my first guy I had been seriously dating...
We ended up messaging each other, and I went to his place to hang out. It turns out he was asking for forgiveness over what he did to me when he ended the relationship. We ended up forgiving each other and it put things into perspective a bit for me.
If someone else can forgive me for what I did to them, shouldnt I be able to forgive myself?
I feel like this was something I needed to learn, that I can forgive myself and I was reminded that in relationships, it takes two to screw it up.
(I also stayed the night for cuddles and other things...

I hope this helps me with forgiving myself, and moving on from the mistakes I done in the past
I know, it feels like I learned a lot today .