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A warning to America
partis Wrote:I didnt really see the video as a "warning to america" that was merely the title and attention grabbing! I agree with everything BA said regarding that. Americas a new country that its foundation is built on immigration. This is Britain. We have 1% of the worlds population. We are an old country.

Oh okay, well that case, my opinion stays the same but I now apologize for seeming off point :p

Oopsie daisies, Lil gay babies

partis Wrote:I didnt really see the video as a "warning to america" that was merely the title and attention grabbing! I agree with everything BA said regarding that. Americas a new country that its foundation is built on immigration. This is Britain. We have 1% of the worlds population. We are an old country.

Darwin said something about adapt or die... The UK needs to adapt.

It needs to find ways to bring people into it and change them a little to meet whatever traditions the white folk there have. Then the white folk there need to learn how to adapt and change to meet the needs of a world with 7 billion people in it.

Failure to adapt and change and meet these challenges won't work. Neither will shutting the door to immigration.

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:Darwin said something about adapt or die... The UK needs to adapt.

It needs to find ways to bring people into it and change them a little to meet whatever traditions the white folk there have. Then the white folk there need to learn how to adapt and change to meet the needs of a world with 7 billion people in it.

Failure to adapt and change and meet these challenges won't work. Neither will shutting the door to immigration.

In defense of the British, for years they've mastered the art of adaption.

I mean look how they brought African and Portuguese slaves into their culture.

Although like Americans I find, they are also unwilling to adapt to others. So perhaps you are right Bowyn, but there will be some like myself who would rather die than give up their traditions/ways/beliefs/heritage or culture.

So what then? Back to square one? :p

The UK cant adapt anymore, it has adapted, we do try to meet the needs of 7 billion people, which is pretty stupid,

What we "need to do" and what is happening is different.

We need to "push the door to" on immigration. The statistics and facts are clear.

partis Wrote:Paul weston speaks in new york.

Love this guy!!!!

This man is not talking about being separatist, he is not talking about getting rid of ALL Muslins/Eastern Indians, he is not talking about killing people.

He is talking about SAFETY of an already established way of life.

In his other video, he stated that Muslim is not only a religion, it is a political war machine, and it is diligently used for that purpose.

These Muslims do NOT go to other countries to be incorporated into them, they REFUSE to adapt, and they sure as hell are not here to become citizens. They are here to TAKE OVER.

Look at how cockroaches take over. They dont have weapons, they dont come over in mass droves, they dont ask if they can infiltrate your cabinets/house....they just do. One cockroach sneaks into your home, unannounced, scouts out the area, and reports back to the group. The group then sends out a few more scouts to see if it is a "safe" living area....some places where they wont be noticed too much, and can live in safety without extermination. Then when those scouts report back with no negatives, then one small group comes over and lives in your walls/cabinets, and they breed.

They breed an army of cockroaches, until they are in sufficient numbers to take over. Then they do.

They sneak in, build an army, and then take over.

That is what this man is saying. Governments are bending over and forcing citizens to "take it up the ass" and let all of these violent, destructive, and evil people invade, infiltrate, and build up small armies........all with the plan to take over the world.

There are 3 HUGE, GIGANTIC mosques in the area I live in. Already big enough to house a few thousand militants....a small army.

They are just waiting for their numbers to build up until they take us all over by force.

You can thank your governments for that, allowing terrorists to live and develop here.

Yesh Sir brown skinned people do breed like cockroaches.

We need an exterminator....

Chase Wrote:You think it is about race? Because it just so happens that many Islamic immigrants speak English, are making a living, and want to stone to death gays and ex-Muslims (Muslim apostates).

Watch that video, it is only 6 minutes and 40 seconds long. Do those Muslims view it as Islamophobic when you say Islam is a religion that calls for the death of gays, apostates, and critics of Islam? Nope, the opposite: they view the Western media as Islamophobic for calling such beliefs radical.
That video is an Islamic channel, just read what it had to say in the "about" section.
That video had children raising their hands in agreement to the belief that Muslim apostates and gays should be put to death - I think that is sickening. If that makes me a racist, then so be it. I personally find it disgustingly racist to say an ethnic group of people have a "racial right" to kill others in their own community.
That conference was not in Saudi Arabia, it was in Norway.
I don't care what you think, but I don't want those kind of people immigrating to my country. I've worked with people who call themselves Muslims, I had a boss who called himself a Muslim, they agree with me that such people like the ones in that video I showed you should not move to America if they believe in those kind of beliefs. I'm all for freedom of speech, expression, religion, and the pursuit of happiness, but when someone wants mine taken away - then we have a problem.
This might be where you tell me Jews and Christians have the same persecution beliefs in their own holy texts, but in my country a majority ruling of them have apparently been respecting my freedom enough to the point where I can at least not be imprisoned for who I am. Before 2003 being gay was illegal in 14 USA states. It has been a little more than ten years since Lawrence versus Texas and the Christians have apparently not revolted. Now millionaire Christian televangelists, John Hagee, with millions of followers, has publicly demanded that all atheists leave America. So, for me as both an atheist and a homosexual I have enough problems as it is dealing with conservative Christians, never mind having to deal with an influx of conservative Muslims who would agree with that seeing as how they already agree that I should be tortured to death.
The truth hurts but most people in this world are intolerant. If you tolerate their intolerance, they will either kill you in person or pass a law that will make the authorities kill you in their place. You can either get a Darwin Award by playing the innocence card until those that hate you finally get their hands on something that will destroy you for good, or you can fight back. The United Arab Emirates has been called the most civilized country in the world, with its impressive engineering feats of self-made island skyscrapers, but guess what? 21st century technology and science and there is still the death penalty for apostasy. Those people are not changing, and I don't want them moving to my country unless they swear at my country's gates that their beliefs of oppression are left behind.
It is about survival, not just of people, but ideas - the benign ideas. Sylph and Festino can go on all they want on how I as an American for some illogical reason can not make a single comment on another because of the wrongs of my countrymen. Their reasoning: I can't condemn immigration policies that invite people who want innocent people executed because of the crimes of my ancestors. So in their own logical fallacy I might as well not condemn my country's current practices with drones because of the crimes of my ancestors. It is a pseudo-logic: I can not voice an opinion that one of my country's policies is bad, because there are other policies of my country that they believe is bad.
It is illogical and hypocritical.
All that people like partis and I want is for immigrants to respect freedom. I disrespect a Muslim immigrant who wants me stoned to death equally as I disrespect a Christian who wants me stoned to death, or any other person of another religion or ethnic group or whatever group. People need to stop invoking this so-called paradox of tolerating the intolerant.

Im not saying you should pay for what your ancestors did, im saying you could do something about what your contemporary countrymen are doing to our world. Why do you think there is muslim extremism? Extremism exist because of being pushed to much, tell me the story of all muslim countries in the last 100 years.

Colonization, conquer, explotation, persecution, concentration camps, death squads, economic sabotage, killing of ruling and intelectual class, segregation and inflamation of resent between tribes. Thats what "the west" did to africa and the middle east, thats the root of all shit going down right now in those places, then when the invaders left they put in place bloodthirsty generals. You think Chase the usa or europe asked those countries if they could be invaded?? of course not. Should you be the victim of similar tragedies? HELL NO! i agree that no one should be put to death because of their sexual orientation or beliefs, i agree that no one should be segregated in their own country.

I also believe that it is hypocrisy to claim for your own rights of "being safe" when you allow so willingly the destruction of two thirds of the world. BTW the 9/11 was orchestrated by the CIA under saudi arabia funding.

You see the barbarians are not the arabs or the iranis, the barbarians wear high dollar suits and walk in the shadows of your capital halls, they linger in castles and palaces. Dogs of war, men of hate.

Politicians, not people, do all of this crap to everyone.

I think in order to stop immigration to wherever, we need to start looking at the problem as how do we improve life for those immigrants in their homeland?

Clearly folk run off to America and the UK and other places looking for opportunities and a chance for their children to have it better than they did. This is what everyone wants, opportunities and a chance to give their kids what they didn't have.

I fail to see how bombing Iraq and Afghanistan back to the stone age actually made us all safer. Didn't it just make more very angry people who hate us?

IF 9-11 was done by Bin Laden and company, then we need to take a good long hard look at the history there. Bin Laden was a CIA 'asset', he and many others were used by the USA to fight the cold war with the USSR (Russia), then they got the short end of the stick.

It is European interest in Middle East oil that keeps pushing the USA to make war and play games in the Middle East (The USA doesn't get much oil from there).

Its not immigration reform you all need to think about, its why on earth the UK has to sex up intel to insure the USA bombs the fuck out of Iraq?

IF 9-11 was actually a bunch of terrorists from the Middle east committing a crime, then handling of the crime should have been done as criminal matter, not as a war.

Iraq was (past tense) a very lovely place to live in. Sure they had Saddam, but you know what, prior to the Gulf War I it was a really, really nice place to live. then Came the Gulf War I, and that place was ruined. It was bombed and the people left to suffer until Gulf War II - with the occasional bombing to remind Iraqis that the western world hates their guts.

Iran - Look back at the 1980's, the Shaw was a front man for the USA, and the Iranian people got tired of a puppet US government.

The whole of the 20th century from WWII onward has been about political game playing and setting up Israel to steal line from the rightful owners. Each and every Western Nation has had a finger in the pie their for oil.

Cold War spy games, setting up puppets to be played by USSR and USA puppeteers - theft of resources, bombing of innocent...

WE in the Western World created Extremist Islam. We did that, we push and shoved and broke many a home and many men and women and made them what they are.

We in the Western World allowed our leaders, our politicians to play games and set up huge corporations to rape a whole region of people.

So yeah, they hate us. If the tables were turned you would hate them the same.

Want to stop the flood of Middle Easterners into your home land - Then remove your politicians, demand retribution for the decades of mind games and horrible atrocities that the UK, USA and various other leadership has done over the decades.

It is the politics and policies and politicians who cause this and every other miserable agony that so many on earth suffer.

MisterTinkles Wrote:This man is not talking about being separatist, he is not talking about getting rid of ALL Muslins/Eastern Indians, he is not talking about killing people.

He is talking about SAFETY of an already established way of life.

In his other video, he stated that Muslim is not only a religion, it is a political war machine, and it is diligently used for that purpose.

These Muslims do NOT go to other countries to be incorporated into them, they REFUSE to adapt, and they sure as hell are not here to become citizens. They are here to TAKE OVER.

Look at how cockroaches take over. They dont have weapons, they dont come over in mass droves, they dont ask if they can infiltrate your cabinets/house....they just do. One cockroach sneaks into your home, unannounced, scouts out the area, and reports back to the group. The group then sends out a few more scouts to see if it is a "safe" living area....some places where they wont be noticed too much, and can live in safety without extermination. Then when those scouts report back with no negatives, then one small group comes over and lives in your walls/cabinets, and they breed.

They breed an army of cockroaches, until they are in sufficient numbers to take over. Then they do.

They sneak in, build an army, and then take over.

That is what this man is saying. Governments are bending over and forcing citizens to "take it up the ass" and let all of these violent, destructive, and evil people invade, infiltrate, and build up small armies........all with the plan to take over the world.

There are 3 HUGE, GIGANTIC mosques in the area I live in. Already big enough to house a few thousand militants....a small army.

They are just waiting for their numbers to build up until they take us all over by force.

You can thank your governments for that, allowing terrorists to live and develop here.

Excuse you, cockroaches?

Really? Never did I hear of a more offensive way to deride a race or culture.

Americans seem to forget, they were the cockroaches as you put it, to come flip and take over a land that was never theirs. Took it from on under the Indians, mexicans, every fucking body and want to claim them a parasite on them?

That annoys me, cause is it not the same way a muslim or whomever else was a pilgrim, as Americans were when they left England or wherever?

Im sure the American Indian people didn't want to share their land with you, so history is just repeating itself if you ask me and look how well that turned out for established life of the Indians.

I don't understand how you can refer or relate someone to a cockroach. If anything, Cockroaches are purgers, getting rid of unwanted waste.

I don't condone violence toward americans from muslims, just they shouldn't be thought of as evil uni-bombing hoes.

Britain went into Africa and uptook slaves and forced their ways on them, moving them to various islands to do work for them, forever changing how the world is. And granted im grateful of my lineage and to be where I am, how do you think the Africans felt?

Having cockroaches invade and take over?

It's one thing to seek the preservation of your way of life and country, but a complete nother to be a bigot and downpress a race/culture.

You won't gain unification and equality over there if you use Cockroaches as a Euphemism for Non-Americans.

/end rantLurking

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