Just because it's enshrined in the Bill of Rights (which is not the Constitution proper but an addendum to the Constitution by the way) doesn't mean it's unchangeable. It also doesn't always stop the government from violating it either, based on a shitload of our history.
Japanese internment camps during WWII...violation of due process.
Slavery...blatently ignoring the idea that all men are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights for over 500 years.
Men going to prison for non-payment of child support...debtors prison.
Child support itself...indentured servitude.
Detainment of suspected terrorists without trial...no due process.
Denial of the right to marry the person you love...lack of equal protection under law.
The non-taxable housing allowance that clergy are entitled to...violating the neutrality of the state towards religion as well as equal protection clauses.
Selective Service registration for men but not women. Equal protection anyone?
I could very easily give a much larger list. My point is that the Bill of Rights is regularly violated and if you think it's not possible for the government to take away a right because it's enshrined in the Bill of Rights, you're a fucking idiot.