It's funny how so many people get so hung up on an issue that is likely to have absolutely no impact whatsoever on their lives ... unless they are self-loathing closet cases buried under a pile of crap dumped on them by their holy books and "spiritual advisers" of choice.
I find that most of these kinds of people do not find a way too far into my life. It is MY life after all. It is slightly more awkward when it is actually family, but I have also found it better to sever regular contact with my brother who was out on the streets in California campaigning for Proposition 8 at the request of his Mormon bishop than to continue to confront him.
You are entitled to fill your life with people and experiences that make you the best person you can be.
I just deal with it...when they give me that impression I just don't speak to them if it becomes something of an argument or they start flaming or quoting bible verses at me I'm quick to remind them that they are being equally as un-Christian by being judgemental of others. I especially cannot stand those that say it's a "choice" I always get them back on that one by asking them when they "chose" to be straight. They can't argue back then because if they were born straight, then how is it so uncommon to be born gay.
I attempt to communicate to them that I recognize theirs as a valid opinion and will respect their right to it so long as they respect my own opinion. I prefer discussion over simply shunning them, unless they ultimately undermine themselves by proving themselves less respectful and mature than the average belligerent four-year-old. Then I may be less inclined to deal with them.
Look, I think it is pretty much a none issue these days with *phobias because we have come to know that a phobia or prejudice is basically born from ignorance or jealousy, 2 things no body really needs in their life.
I think society is full enough of warm, accepting, intelligent people that you can welcome in to your circle to worry about the every decreasing numbers of haters, who are basically the REAL minority group.
Joshulars Guide to Accetping people who don't accept your gayness
Setp 1.
ignore these people they are just cunts and aren't worth being in your life and will not make you happy.
Step 2.
Repeat Step 1.
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Joined: Jan 2014
I'm a : Single Gay Man
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Maybe it comforts you a bit that no one is fully accepted by the others. I mean that whether you're black or white, gay or straight, Christian or Muslim, American or Russian, there will be always someone who doesn't accept a part of you or tries to make you feel worse. It was always like that because mankind is not perfect. So even if you would get rid of your homosexuality, some people would hate you for being white or Atheist so basically it doesn't matter whether you're gay or not. You will never please everyone.
Its funny because this very topic prompted me to join this forum after reading what appears to tolerated homophobic comments from a user on another forum.
Im unable to post a link, but the site is hotukdeals in the misc forum and the topic is "gay-people-russia-hunted-for-sport"
It will become clear further in the thread which is on the subject of the Russian Olympics and the disgraceful goings on in Sochi.
Should the comments made by the user in that thread be aceptable and is it surprising that moderators allow it to happen? I'm astounded he hasnt been banned but appears to be revelling in his bigotry.