Few people joke about my homosexuality. Many joke about homosexuality around me, but few actually know I'm 'that way'. Its not that I hide it, I just don't flaunt it. Thus more often than not I am subjected to 'straight humor'.
I let it slide off my like water of a duck's back in most instances. Depends on the joke.
I think the reality is I am more offended by 'Irish Drunk' jokes than Gay jokes.
Being Half Irish, Half Scottish and Half Elf and Half a Drunk... you can see how this all offends me....
It depends whos joking, my friends used to joke when i was younger and not out.
Things like once were camping and someone complained there was no girls and my friend said if i tuck my willy between my legs, i,ll be the girl and once in a pub i was really drunk and asked a friend of a friend if he liked me and his reply was yes he would fuck me if i had make up on and everyone laughed… a lot (about 20 people) but wasnt offended cause were my best friends and it didnt happen a lot.
I don't care if they joke. Joking about it is even healthy I think. It turns into ridiculous stupid clichés.
My friends tease me because I'm jewish and because I'm gay. One joked about it and remembered I was gay and said "ow I'm sorry, I forgot..", I just told him not to change his jokes because I'm here.
I usually beat them to the punch..
As in I make fun of myself before anyone else can. I'm the best
person to make fun of myself cause I'm really good at it.
The only time I get annoyed/anxious about it is at work [or when I had a job].
They would crack jokes, not really directed at me, but just LGBT people in general.
But it's just work though, and I don't go there to make friends, so idgaf.
As long as they can "take it" along with "dishing it out", then Im usually ok.
Unless they get nasty about it, then I start in with the "straight" jokes and the "breeders" jokes.
I just joke along with them. Only one of my friends in my gaming group knows I'm bisexual, since I don't really bring it up. There's some military history in there besides me, too, so gay jokes come up often enough. Just roll with the punches and throw them right back.
It depends on the person and to what extent they do it, but generally it doesn't bother me.
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No one really jokes up about it with me. If anything it barely comes up, and I might be the one to crack the joke.