They accept gay people but not the gay 'act', but they ought to have a look at their priests every once and a while ...
I suppose if you fit into their key demographic, then they're very welcoming of you, but that's like most things these days ... like the thread that (I forget who - I think it was Andy actually) started on the News thread about Obama and McCain banging on about the acceptability of homosexuals rearing children.
I believe McCain may have held up some kinda ideal model (as in man + woman (married) raising children in a stable family environment), and everybody was ra ra ra that's the way to do it, until some bright spark submitted a report based on a survey which showed that ... was it 75% ? Of families DON'T conform to that model ?
So it's largely subjective.
The Catholic Faith, like so many other faiths, seems rather selective about who it does, and does not, welcome into its bosom.
I'd rather just sit that one out personally.
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!
How come the Church gets precidence. I mean, shouldn't the question be the other way. Is there a place for Catholicism among homosexuals?
The reason I want to point this out is because homosexuality has been around a lot longer than the church, but since the church has more power due to very unethical practices in the past, it automatically governs who should be a part of it.
I really have a grudge against organized religion. I don't care if someone believes, faith is a good thing. Its when organizations try to oppress a certain group because there is something that irks them. We are free and have the capability to think for ourselves, the church has no right to tell homosexuals that we have no place in their organization.
Perhaps if there is a divine message that slaps the priests upside the head and tells them that gays are okay, maybe then there will be a place for gays in the Catholic Church.
Thanks Shadow,
The history of the rise of Christianity and Catholicism is very interesting. I just wish that the people who preach about the evils of homosexuals would realize that the church was created long after homosexuality had been established. Not only that, but they claim it is unnatural even though it is proven that animals in nature also partake in homosexual activities.
I just wish the church would take the time and effort to learn about the history and science, rather than hide behind a doctrine that doesn't make sense.