I eat lot of fast food. It's cheap and comfortable.
Lots of fish and chicken. Next pork. Then beef, very little. I try to avoid fast food.
I have recently started making my own sausage and smoking meats.
I also am making my own, all-natural bread/muffin/pancake mixes and per-packaging them for later use. In the winter, I tend to eat less fruit and veges, but that increases drastically in the summer and fall when local fresh vegetables are more available.
I remember a story in the newspaper, a healthy 90 year old man has had the same fish & chip supper everyday for 50 years, that is deep fried battered fish & chips, yes here in britain fish comes in batter… most people think thats how it comes out of the sea! :p
I like meat… i never feel fully satisfied unless ive got meat but i like equal amounts of potato & vegetable and every mouthfull has to be balanced, equal part of meat/potato/veg and with bread on the side… buttered bread
Inian food, chilli, pasta (tuna & mayo) cheese burgers, roast dinners, toad in the hole, cottage pie, quishe, fish pie, thin base pizza… all these things
Though sometimes i only eat one meal a day, i generally have half a slice of toast with marmite for breakfast and a cup of tea… if you want to live
Vegetables, meat - usually pork, chicken or beef... fish.. For fruits usually banana, apple, pears or mango. I love avocado as well but it is not available all throughout the year
I am cutting down the rice these days though..especially if its white. But if its brown/red/black much better...
My brother occasionally cooks pasta which i like... then when I go out mostly burger and fries or maybe pizza and pasta..
And I also like bread a lot.. empanadas.. siopao..crackers, biscuits, potato chips, nuts, sweets
But to cut it short, i eat anything prepared on the table. And anything available at home..
[SIZE="3"]I eat alot of fruits--Cantaloupe,Banana,Orange,Tangerine,Apple, Strawberries
Also i love bacon its for breakfast every day.[/SIZE]
Lots of dairy products, specially milk, at least 3 glasses a day.
Canned sardines work for me any time of the day i just love them, i used to like meat a lot, pork and beef specially in tacos and gorditas but i dont eat that anymore.
Prehispanic diet is a big part of my day too. Beans, corn, pumpkin, chayote, avocados, chile, mamey, amaranth and green beans
Brocoli and spinach have a special place in my heart :3
(actual photos of my cooking abilities  )
I love apples, pears and peaches but since i have this damn braces i cant bite into them, and im too lazy to cut them to pieces lol. So mostly i stick to bananas, papayas, mangos (mango season is coming yay, the trees in my house are covered in flowers and atracting lots of bees :3 ) and prunes i love prunes!
Bread is a weakness for me, if i dont take care i can wipe out a whole bag of bread fresh baked next door. God why is it soo good!
pasta, ham, cheese, rice with saussage or meat, pizzas, lots of fruits.
I'm not a good cooker...too lazy for that
I live in an Italian city and work in a fast food restaurant, so generally pasta, pizza, and junk food though that's been cut out to save money. Sometimes I eat rice, soup, or eggs. My brother insists on vegetables so I eat random vegetables and fruits as well... I apparently have a fast metabolism because even though I eat fattening food I'm really skinny.
Mostly the flesh of sacrificial virgins, washed down with their newly-spilled blood
Also dicks
Miles Wrote:Mostly the flesh of sacrificial virgins, washed down with their newly-spilled blood
Also dicks
That's the best. If I cross the Atlantic Ocean one day, I hope you will invite me to eat!