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Is my friend a total bitch or is it just me?
So yesterday in school I was having a rough day as it is and we had our valentines day party(two weeks late I know) so there was food there. Having been bulimic in the past, I have been doing a lot better now and only do it once a month, my parents are well aware of this and my friend knew this too. So I ended up overeating and I went downstairs, so she decided to just tell the teacher. Really? She knows that its something I still struggle with nce in a while but yet she still tells the teacher, trying to act like a concerned friend, although its not called being a concerned friend, its called being a fucking bitch. Does anyone else agree? Seriously that was the first time in a month and she knows that! I am so frustrated right now because I go to a religous school and I really didnt want the teachers knowing, now I'm gonna have to get preached to next week about how I need Jesus in my life, etc. Sorry if I sound whiny, I tend to do that a lot

so ... your friend knows about your history with an eating disorder , and when she was concerned that you might have relapsed and tells a teacher , that makes her a fucking bitch ?

no it doesn't . it makes her a concerned and loyal friend.

you even say yourself that your eating disorder is something you still struggle with once in a while . she obviously knows this and wants to help you . how does that make her a bitch ?!

i know , after suffering with an eating disorder myself for many many years , that it's really hard to see when people are trying to help , or to care . but my life was probably saved countless times by my friends getting involved . now that i'm recovered i can look back and thank them completely for all of the times that they did , even though at the time i was angry and frustrated with them.

but basically , no your friend is not a bitch. eating disorders kill. i have known people who have died from an eating disorder , and have come extremely close myself on many occasions.
you need to get proper help , and maybe your friend telling someone is the first step towards you getting that.

First, it's great that you are doing better than before. Eating disorders are hard work. That being said, I hate to be pessimistic, but they can always get worse. And, as I am sure you know, when things get worse, it gets really easy not to tell people. Your friend sounds like they are concerned about you and wants you to stay alive. Bulimia is no joke and runs the risk of a heart attack.

I get where you are coming from.... you think you have this under control, and you think that a month "sober" means you are cured, and having one little relapse certainly does not mean that people should get all carried away and think you have totally lost control of your 'little problem'. I mean who are they to tell me to not drink, or do drugs, or cut yourself or not eat, or vomit after binging... ? Am I right?

Bulimics, Anorexics, cutters, alcoholics/drug users all have pretty much the same mental processes running through the head when it comes to 'doing their drug of choice' - in your case binging and purging is your 'drug of choice'.

And it is a form of addiction, it makes you feel good for the short term, but feel worse over the long term. Its a go to solution to more than just gaining weight.

As such, your whole 'hating the people who dare to interfere' feelings is typical of the deeper wider mental and emotional processes that take place surrounding this bulimia.

She is trying to help, she is doing her best.

Yes I know, it doesn't FEEL that way... but she is and I think if you cool down a bit and set your emotions to the side and actually use the rational part of your brain you can at least intellectually understand where she is at and what she is trying to do.

No, she is a good friend actually and you are extremely lucky to have her!

She told someone because she herself was not directly able to help you and if any harm had come to you at least she would have been able to justify to herself that she did her best.

No. you don't need Jesus in your life because of this and if you want to direct anger at people then direct it at those people who say you do! Far more important than Jesus would be a professional who may be able to help you with this disorder? I suggest that if you are not in control that you seriously consider exploring that route as I am sure that those who care about you, especially your friend will rest a little easier in the knowledge that you are finally doing something to help yourself.

Good luck with it and I hope it works out well.

You're friend is concerned about you. You were having an off day and relapsed, so she felt she had to do something to help you. Whether or not it actually helped or will help is another issue, but most likely she wasn't intending to hurt you or be a bitch.

Maybe there was a misinterpretation or perhaps miscommunication that took place there...

For your friend, she was just trying to help..

And for you it is otherwise..

Try to talk to her about it cause maybe you are getting the wrong idea..

Your friend sounds like maybe a gf . Like if it is tell her your not interested.

What exactly would you do in her shoes?

Keep quiet while you watch your friend relapse?

It was concernm Luke and in the rush of the event she did what she deemed the best course of action.

I grant you, publicizing your issue to, probably, the wrong set of people was a bad choice, but then again, who else was there?

You may not like it Luke, and like everyone else with a problem such as yours, you will get inevitably defensive.

But allow me to tell you, that you need a heavy support system if you hope to overcome that issue for good. Don't shut out the people who want to help you.

Sometimes what you want isn't the best for you, she called the teacher because she knows that if something wrong happens she might not be able to help you by herself...

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