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This is a recurring theme in my dreams
Okay I am have this weird recurring theme in my dreams. I am often walking along these rough streets and am often verbally abused and sometimes attacked by 'youths' (or chavs, gangbangers, down and outs, whatever you want to call them - street thugs). It happens every now and then and is quite frankly bizarre. I guess its based on a real fear, seeing as sometimes you're just walking down the street and then suddenly you run into some threatening and not nice people who give you hell for no apparent reason. Maybe it's based on my own paranoia or perhaps it's supposed to represent a more abstract concept? Does anyone have any ideas?

Another recurring theme is my teeth fall out in my dreams. I hear that's quite a common one as well.

In another dream I was visiting Robert Mugabe, the President of Zimbabwe (and human rights criminal), in his mansion and was calmly discussing politics and life with him like he was a neighbour or something. This was a bit weird as well.

Maybe I am just crazy?

Normal stuff, some of it sounds possibly related to stress.....the teeth one is had by millions (including myself) at one time or another in their lives (betting a quick google check will verify that).

In your next dream about Mugabe stick him in the eye with a letter opener Smile

I generally will only comment on things I have personal experience with, and nightmares used to be my "forte". If it gets where it concerns you too much, go talk to a professional about it!


I'm prone to reoccurring dreams... ones like video tape replaying the same movie over and over again, and then ones that have essential plot lines that are played out with different characters, different backgrounds but the basic formula are there.

Both forms are typically replays of events that I have yet to resolve. These are, for me, products of trauma and are but one of several ways my PTSD reminds me that I am still alive.

For me (and this may apply to you considering the theme of that dream) it is my brain trying to make sense of what is essentially senseless, thus the brain tries different ways to approach the subject, perhaps if we use X instead of Y as an actor this shadow play will make more sense. Perhaps if we do this in location D instead of Location B it will make more sense.

The general nature of your dream, the bullying, the hassling, the attack by 'youths' may actually relate to a real life trauma. Or a string of traumas - such as being verbally threatened whilst walking down some road to school each day passing the same group of thugs who screamed 'Look, there goes the Homo' while one of their party says something stupid like 'No-mo the Homo.' Which you can readily interpret as a threat, a real threat as in the idea is he is going to kill you.

THAT sort of senseless verbal violence can lead to a trauma. Which leads to the brain deciding to work through the attending emotions, which means playing the play over and over again attempting to turn it into something that makes sense and can be processed and filed away.

Does that make sense?

Anyway, one of the things you may want to try to deal with this and possibly defuse it and eventually get away from it is logging down these type of 'thugs in the alley' dreams - and try to detail it as much as possible, sights, sounds, colors, physicality and most important the full depth of emotions you are feeling. Yes fear is there, but also guilt can linger about, or anger be pressing, or even a bit of shame.

This logging may help you brain to process it, as dreams are an unconscious thing and your waking brain is conscious. The two do meet, but not as often as they should.

Teeth falling out - well you know sometimes dreams are just random bit of rubbish to fill in the hours when you decide to just do nothing...

Presidential Visits - n doubt you are plotting to take over the world. Solid move there old chap. ;-)

I agree it could be what bown arrow said....but

I don't think it actually happened too you. I don't thi k a boy one walked down the street and verbally abused you.

I think what happened was that you walked down the street and saw people and probably just had a fear in your head "what if they call me names" and u had that reoccurring thought in your head playing out one day, and it turned into a legit fear for you. And now it shows up in your dreams!! That's just my opinion tho because u do not mention anything like this event happening in real life.

I've heard that teeth falling out in dreams means that someone you know is going to die or something like that.

However I believe that dreams often represent something that has happened to you in the past.

Dreams are very personal, and can differ from person to person (people who have the same dream).

Dreams are your subconscious mind telling your conscious mind that either something is bothering you and needs resolution, or that you are headed towards some issue, problem, or significant event if you do not change the path you are on, or the way you are thinking.

Not all "bad" dreams mean bad things though. Just as all "good" dreams dont mean all good things will happen.

Dreams occurring during REM sleep are the ones that should be analyzed. Dreams that occur during the times we are going into, or coming out of REM sleep, are "waking dreams"....these are usually just dreams of things that are on our minds during the day.

If you would like me to try to interpret your dreams, PM me with the full dreams from start to finish, including colors, smells, and people you know, as well as details of what happens.
Will have to know a little bit about you though, also.

So far I have a 100% divination rating on dreams.

Thanks for the replies guys! They make very very interesting reading!

Right I am going to throw in a few more complications here:

1. I have had problems with stupid youths in street generally name calling or threatening me but nothing major has happened and thankfully I've never been beaten up. I do however have some people, including some of these youths and general idiots but also some other people, in my life whom I would like to see dead. I try not to hate and honestly it takes a lot to get me there but that is the stage I am at after years of provocation and having to take bullshit of people. Let's just say I have issues.

2. I have had dreams which can be a bit violent. In one of them I am gouging someone else's eyes out and I am seeing myself do this from a distance. When I am doing this I am actually smiling like a total, sadistic madman and it looks like I am enjoying it. I look really evil and I would say demonic as well which is really messed up.

3. Further to this i had another dream as well which played out like a scene from a horror/action flick. I was being held by a gang after being accused by them of 'snitching', they were getting distracted with other stuff - I slammed one of them against the wall, kicked another to one side, and with the third guy I grabbed a knife which some reason was the blunter variety used with a fork whilst eating (not very sharp in other words), yet I brought it down on his skull and the knife went right through! It was weird as hell!

4. I have had night terrors in the past too. Some of them have been vivid and really scary. I had very very bad dreams as a kid too (around 6-9 years especially).

Sometimes I sleep well without dreaming too much, but I do have a lot of issues in my life to deal with. As for the smells and other senses.... Well in my dreams I don't really smell much, and the only things I can do are see and hear and even then in my dreams my senses are totally dulled or distorted. The only thing I can tell you is in one of the 'attacked by gang' dreams is the background was mostly an orange hue caused by the sun setting. And the area was vaguely industrial and rundown. other than that nothing really stands out.

Well, violent dreams are usually an expression of anxiety and depression. A continuous torment of some sort in your life will do this, especially something you feel you are not equipped to handle in the real world. In your case, its public ridicule.

Are you able to move to a different area? If you can change your location, this usually helps a lot.

I do not know what "night terrors" are exactly, so I do not know what to say on that.

I might suggest seeing a doctor who specializes in chemical imbalances, to see if you have any.
I have heard some chemical imbalances can cause "night terrors". So that is one option you might try.

You might also try drinking some non-simulating drinks about half an hour before going to sleep.
I have also heard this helps some people. You will have to talk to your doctor or a qualified herbalist to see what might work for you.

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