I've placed app's for home care agencies, nursing homes, hospitals
and rehab facilities.
I interview well but I either get no call backs or HR would call me back and
tell me that they don't really want to hire a person who has no experience.
I've inquired about shadowing but no one has gotten back to me about it or
they tell me that they don't really do that sort of thing.
All the positions that I've applied for are for pretty much Per-Diem/Part time or
for shifts that nobody else wants [i.e. nights, evenings, weekends]. I don't even
care about the pay-rate, I just need it to get experience.
I got my cert at the American Red Cross and they have someone who handles
everyones progress and aid people finding work, but they've given me the same
resources that I've already exhausted.
They've also told me that these are entry level position jobs and they don't
'understand' why people won't hire me due to lack of experience. Well, it's
what companies have told me. What do you say to that, lol?
I've worked at homes before as a Dietary Aide, and I kind of know how these people
work and how they treat a new person. They pretty much treat them like shit and test
your mettle and see how far you can take it, so I know what I'm getting myself into. I
also know that most places give crap care and they don't want to have to 'adjust' to
the new person who is doing what their suppose to and makes them look bad.

I will keep on trying though, but if nothing develops by the end of the month. I'm
gonna start putting in apps for random jobs cause it's already almost April and I can't
keep on staying like this.