You have two cows.
You trade one for a pimped out Geo and crash it into a tree, dying instantly.
You have two cows.
The combined methane emissions of the two cows lands you a hefty fine.
PETA tries to stop you from selling one of the cows to pay the fine, on the grounds that it would be psychologically damaging to the cows to be separated. You fight a five year lawsuit.
After declaring bankruptcy you manage to keep your home and both cows. A massive forest fire roasts both cows and your house.
You have one bull, 30 cows, and 150 calves.
The straight cow
She is b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l
Honey colored skin tone, gourgeous shape size 44 udders.
You buy said creature, with a 1.5 carat blue white diamond and a certificate.
You live in the land of milk & honey.
9 months later she gives birth,
3 months later she walks out with the Masarrati, all your money and 3/4 of your mansion
You are ruined, get drunk, confide in your best friend, he tells you he always thought she was a cow...
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Joined: May 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
You have two cows
your neighbours laugh at you becuase you only have two cows
You have two cows.
Both go to a public school when they're still young
One gets involved with a dangerous guy that leads her to drugs, one stays in school and gets a scholarship for decent education
The one that got into drugs gets pregnant and runs away with some guy, the other uses a horrible public transportation system and takes 4 hours to get to college
The one you know the whereabouts graduates from college but can't get a decent job. She tries to move from the country.
She moves to the US and ends up flipping burgers.
Maybe europeans should leave africa alone forever. Let them figure out how to live.