Since this life is the only one I'm getting, I generally do my best to experience as many things as possible. That being said, I'm not really a daredevil or adrenaline junkie, and don't typically put my existence at risk.
I play it safe, in the past every time I took a risk I got physically hurt lol
I don't know how to answer this!
Well firstly I do stop to smell the flowers
Tho I don't think before I act
I don't look down before I leap but I look at where I'll land
Weigh the consequences before considering?
---------No not really----------
I'm in between I suppose
For me, it depends on the sort of risk. If it's just a physical risk or some form of adventure, I will proceed with caution, but still usually go through with it if it's something I haven't done before. I always like trying new things, so I'll jump at those kinds of opportunities.
What I am far more hesitant about is anything that requires socialization with other people. I don't like being out in public, don't like meeting new people, and I especially don't like taking big risks involving those people. I'll usually talk myself out of that until I absolutely have to interact.
Depends on the situation...
Like i dont take risks in every aspect of my life.
There are just situations worth risking for
And situations where you just need to play it safe
I play it safe.
Example: whenever I go abroad, I plan everything down to the last detail. It saves me time, money, energy and headaches.
I'm a wimp and scared of everything so I picked the last option.
I don't take as much as a shower without previous planning.
No, no risk taking from this guy.