I prefer sex inside of the confines of relationship. I did try two one night stands after 4 failed relationships trying to scratch one itch without all of the messy love and relationship crap.... Whilst able to 'get off' those experiences were not wholly satisfying and actually left me feeling worse than before hand. I got more satisfaction from masturbation.....
Sex and intimacy are not just about pleasure and lust, there is a lot of other deeper connecting emotions that sex with a partner accomplishes.
I did the whole 12 years of no sex in a relationship. That ain't gonna happen ever again.
So no... No sex means no relationship.
Uncertain about the ability to ejaculate, but you should be able to experience the sensation of orgasm. Prepubescent boys are able to experience orgasm while they still produce no semen.
Men who have been snipped (vasectomy) are still able to orgasm and even produce fluids which are from the other organs and glands that all work together with the testes. Precum (preseminal fluid, or Cowper's fluid) comes from the Cowper's Gland not from the testes... Not only does a man produce some during sex, but also a bit comes out mixed with the seminal fluids.
There is a difference between orgasm and ejaculation:
https://www.google.com/#q=difference+bet...jaculation plenty of sites discuss this.
If you are unable to reach orgasm it may not be tied in with the ability to ejaculate.
Quote:I've never had a diagnosis, though I'm certain the reason I don't orgasm is because my testicles were in my body rather than in my scrotum until I was about 15. And I appreciate the insight. It does help with confidence.
I strongly suggest you talk to your doctor about your abilities here. Never know there may be a simple fix, or it may be a symptom of some other underlying condition that if left untreated will shorten your life.