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There is as yet no conclusive evidence on the legislation brought in in Austraslia:
The UK is considering introducing the same law. If you smoke, would it affect how you think about the habit?
"You can be young without money but you can't be old without money"
Maggie the Cat from "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." by Tennessee Williams
I'm confused.
What do cigarette packages look like in your country?
Like will they be plain-plain?
Sorry if not comprehending, our cigarette packages basically tell people they're going to die if they smoke, and will list various diseases and personal stories from dying smokers, so I'm not sure what a 'plain' package would even look like.
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They would literally be plain. No illustration, no name, no nothing.
"You can be young without money but you can't be old without money"
Maggie the Cat from "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." by Tennessee Williams
A smoker is a smoker. If they want a ciggy, they are gonna get a ciggy, no matter WHO made it.
They may have their fav brands, but when it comes down to it, they are addicted......and the addicted get their habits satisfied one way or the other.........generic or brand.
Those MINUTE numbers of people who were under the 1% of those they claimed may have been changed by the packaging, were not addicted smokers. I've been around smokers all my life...I KNOW how they work and think.
There may have been less than half of that 1% that might have been addicted smokers, but they just switched to another, drugs, or alcohol.
These governments are moronic. Even IF this program did work, all these addicts would just switch to some other bad addicting, drugs, what have they won? Just a larger number of those who are going to need help for a different addiction.
i don't think it would make a lot of difference.
they tried to get people to cut down / stop smoking ages ago by putting pictures of diseased lungs , people with throat cancer , general warnings about smoking etc on them. but i found people just ended up trying to collect all of them.
"oh , i've already got 'smoking causes impotence', can i switch it for 'smokers die younger' ?" and things like that...
if people want to smoke , they're going to smoke. packaging won't change that.
If ANY country TRULY wanted people to stop smoking, then they would just OUTLAW the sale of tobacco altogether.
This is nothing more than government bullshitting to get more money for programs that are not going to do any good for anyone, except those in power who need the money to fund their private agendas.
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Tinks: I think the main idea is to try to stop youngsters starting to smoke.
"You can be young without money but you can't be old without money"
Maggie the Cat from "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." by Tennessee Williams
As a smoker I have to say Tinkles and Meg are absolutely 100% correct.
In Panama I remember seeing cigarette packs that had pictures of rotting teeth and dead rats and roaches trying to warn/scare off people from smoking them. I didn't smoke pack then, but I guarantee I would not hesitate from buying such a pack now.
It may act as an added deterrent for kids starting, may make some of them think twice. But kids don't always make the most rational judgments.