Thanks for that Shadow, I always wondered about Jersey, think its cos my parents always talked about holidaying places like the isle of white etc and always passed Jersey by, even when I asked about it. Maybe I thouhgt it was going to be exciting or taboo or something for that reason!!!
Plus one of the guys I met in G-A-Y the other night (the guy that spent the night helping me stay upright bless him!!) was chatting with him and he told me he was going home to Jersey for 3 months soon - 'meeting' two people from Jersey in such a short apace of time made me curious. How random.
WLM - That is faaaar too long away. Plus its nat champs week - will be v busy. May have to do one without you in the next couple weeks then another one when you're back. Then after the first week in October I'll be free to go piss up EVERY weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Smurlos - Penny is not my real name. Penny Black is an alias that I use (it was the name of my first horse) for a number of reasons. It is good for me because anyone who knows me in person will soon clock on who I am if they come accross me here but it is unlikely that someone will stumble accross me by accident, thus preventing me from being accidently 'outed' (must start thinking a bit more about coming out!!! I do like it in Narnia though :biggrin: ) It is also the name I use on random nights out, it gives me extra confidence (ah yes,, I need that!!) and stops random stalkers on facebook and the like. If you really want to know my real name you can P.M. me.