Episode 7 is being written by Lawrence Kasdan and Michael Arndt and directed by JJ Abrams. That's an awesome combination. There's a good chance it is going to be fabulous. Really looking forward to it.
I adore the first 3 like most others - hated the first of the prequels but after watching the following two it turned out the first one was not so bad after all - I actually loved Liam Neeson's character and felt he actually could have belong in the original trilogy , dreading the next 3 - is it going to be a bunch of perfect teens with perfect teeth straight from the Twilight saga ? ie, looks over substance to appeal to the 12 and under market
One interesting way to look at the prequels is seeing the films through the eyes of Anakin Skywalker.
Episode 1- The film is fun light hearted,very bright,filmed in mainly daylight,Like a kids adventure as seen by Anakin as a child
Episode 2 - The teenage film,darker,anger and rebellion as seen by Anakin as a teenager
Episode 3 - Most of this film is filmed at night or in darkness,the plot is also very dark,Anakin now as a adult who has lost his way seeing the universe through a twisted perspective.
I dont really care for it a great deal but the original 3 are ok.
I just think people should come up with new ideas and original format, when your doing remakes/sequels they feel so much pressure to make it as good as the original that its too construed.
Latest Star Wars update, original actors to star in new films, such as Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca and Anthony Daniels as C3P0, hopefully this is a good sign and the films will be enjoyable to see.