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Str8s turning gay
So the US military made you gay and you're just fine with that, because you're a free thinker. Meanwhile you consider schools, who teach you basic grammar and basic math, to be indoctrination camps.

It all makes sense to me now. Thank you. I just gotta pop by the store to get some tinfoil to wrap around my head to shield me from the Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering carrying DNA-altering vira.

I know nothing about Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering, so I did a quick googling and as it turns out it's clouds in the stratosphere, with the purpose of shielding the planet from UV light. Tiny particles as in molekyles. As in, not microbes, like vira.
Remember atoms form molekyles which form proteins which form microbes/cells. It's a bit like saying you can get houses or entire cities out of a can of spray paint.......

gaycraig Wrote:I just wonder what the U.S. Military knows what we do not know about homosexuality seeing as they've had the gay bomb for quite some time now which was mentioned in the media

Sorry Craig, but with this statement you have just lost all credibility, and quite frankly descended into ridicule.

Gay Bomb? Do me a favour and bring that topic up at your next socio-engineering class and see just how much attention you get, as I suspect thats what your looking for,attention.


Gaycraig you're definitely gay dude! And I love it. Very entertaining. I, like others, hope you are not just some sort of troll trying to make trouble on purpose. I doubt it because you are are creating a delightful play in my head. THANK GOD you can't access my heart without my direct permission! Where's Daffy? LOL

Your efforts to engage are interesting. I wonder if there is some sort of communication or cognitive barrier enhancing the seeming disdain...then I read your direct quotes and I start feeling confused. I think I'd feel less confused if as a culture we could contain the mess within the boundaries of this forum community so we'd be assured of assisted sorting and clarifying, etc. but alas I fear the shits gonna perpetuate throughout the realms of dickdom. Funny

You are a TWIP mate! Jesse2
Heart  Life's too short to miss an opportunity to show your love and affection!  Heart

Melody Wrote:I don't agree with this first of all I tried pretty damn hard to be bisexual and couldn't be for the life of me so I don't like when people say this not everyone is bisexual stop peddling this because some people even committed suicide trying to have at least some attraction to the opposite sex . Not everyone is bisexual and people who say that are in denial about being bisexual so they say stuff like how everyone has a gay and straight urges but are conditioned to be either or no my friend it's not that way because most of us in the closet who are gay or lesbian and tried to feel some straight urges .

Maybe I didn't make myself clear, Melody. I am absolutely not saying that everyone is bisexual, and I'm certainly not peddling it. I'll try to explain this one more time.

There is a long spectrum of sexuality between totally straight and totally gay. There are also lots of studies that have shown that a few people are at one end of the spectrum or the other, and most people are clustered around the middle (the so-called bell curve).

If you're one of the people who is by nature 'extremely' straight or 'extremely' gay on this spectrum, then I totally agree that you're pretty much stuck with what nature gave you.

OTOH, if you have strong sexual tendencies in both ways, it is definitely possible to encourage one side while suppressing the other. This is exactly what our culture does to us, in fact. It doesn't mean that the suppressed side disappears, nor does it mean that it's as easy as changing clothes. However, with enough time and effort, it can be done: I've known people who have done it and are happy with the results.

swalter Wrote:Gay Bomb? Just, wow.

Here's an article on the topic:

Quote:The US Air Force Wright Laboratory in Dayton, Ohio, sought Pentagon funding for research into what it called "harassing, annoying and 'bad guy'-identifying chemicals".

The plans were obtained under the US Freedom of Information by the Sunshine Project, a group which monitors research into chemical and biological weapons.


The plan for a so-called "love bomb" envisaged an aphrodisiac chemical that would provoke widespread homosexual behaviour among troops, causing what the military called a "distasteful but completely non-lethal" blow to morale.


Cuddly Wrote:So the US military made you gay and you're just fine with that, because you're a free thinker. Meanwhile you consider schools, who teach you basic grammar and basic math, to be indoctrination camps.

It all makes sense to me now. Thank you. I just gotta pop by the store to get some tinfoil to wrap around my head to shield me from the Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering carrying DNA-altering vira.

I know nothing about Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering, so I did a quick googling and as it turns out it's clouds in the stratosphere, with the purpose of shielding the planet from UV light. Tiny particles as in molekyles. As in, not microbes, like vira.
Remember atoms form molekyles which form proteins which form microbes/cells. It's a bit like saying you can get houses or entire cities out of a can of spray paint.......

Right this will be my last post in this thread which I created [emphasis] and quite possibly my last post on this forum because of you and a few others which I will maybe detail later on in this post. I did not come here to be mocked, attacked and trolled as you call it. First of all I should point out that the word 'trolling' is being used now as yet another keyword or gatekeeper term like racist and paedophile to help counter truth, dissent and anything certain individuals would not like you to hear not to mention people's opinions. This word is yet another aid to the collective mind and pushed by those trapped in an invisible prison they cannot see, an invisible prison without bars where they are not even aware they are not free and thus do not even attempt to break free. If you still think you are free because Barack Obama and David Cameron told you so then take a look at the Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act in the U.S along with the Civil Contingencies Act in the U.K and that is just for starters.

Now it interests me and deeply saddens me when people who have little knowledge on a subject or subjects decide they know everything and clearly do not. These same people will mock and put down those who do have the knowledge. Unfortunately this is all too common because it is exactly how the scientific oligarchy have conditioned the herd to be and yes to them you are nothing but Niddah Goyim (filthy cattle) and that is their words not mine. I also know a couple of Nobles in high places who come from Rome and Venice so rest assured I know what they think and get up to.

Have you seen the state of the education systems around the westerm world today? The U.K. and the U.S. and this is proven regardless of those nations hypes about being the greatest at everything they do and say (old Venetian trick). I can put a row of home-schooled children next to public school children and rest assured the home-schooled children will have better communication skills and be far more numerate and literate than those in public school. This has been proven no end of time by those destroying the naysayer arguments trying to discourage people from home-schooling. Have you met any of the public schooled children, youth and even adults today and have you tried to converse with them? It will be very hard if you try to converse properly and this is tied to an agenda known as 'Linguistic Minimalism'. A population of dumbed down people who cannot communicate is an easily controlled population that can be lied to and mastered with ease. Some might say well this generation who cannot communicate face-to-face are in fact good at communicating via the internet. Who would this suit exactly? Yes the intelligence network like 'Five Eyes' who are out to data mine all our information and know everything about us. I will then disagree that this generation are good at communicating. So you think schooling teaching someone numeracy and literacy? Can you explain why most children, youth and even adults today cannot add or subtract basic figures? Can you explain why many cannot read and certainly have trouble writing. Today the education system is turning against joined up writing and I wonder why that is. If you want answers then I suggest you listen to those who have been part of the education system and know what is going on within that very system. The school system today is nothing more than Marxist propaganda. For a basic start you might want to listen to someone like Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt amongst many others. Do a study on Outcome-Based Education and the even worse Common Core. Once again I conclude that state schooling is nothing more than social engineering and indoctrination but its worse because it is now infiltrating private schooling which will eventually be abolished.

I should inform you that you will need far more than just aluminium foil on your head in order to avoid microwaves which penetrate every cell in your body, I would suggest you would need more like a full body Kevlar suit or a quality Faraday Cage properly grounded to Earth. If you want more information on how deadly these microwaves really are then I suggest you study microwave expert Barrie Trower and similar. So yet again we have an example of someone knowing nothing on a subject but showing themselves up for mocking someone who does. I can tell you that I have studied the U.S Air Force's Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering for fifthteen years and quite intensively as with many other subjects which should be fairly obvious to anyone reading my work and references. Now I will highlight how easily a gatekeeper can be manipulated and their exact reactions. So for example if I had used the term 'Chemtrails' you would have googled this and immediately thrown some comment out claiming chemtrails do not exist and they are merely normal contrails and nothing but an unproven conspiracy theory. Since I used the term 'SAG' you accept what you would not have by using the term 'Chemtrails' even though they are one of the same thing. This is the art of manipulating the uneducated and general public and it can be done with ease. So now you believe that SAG is just about reflecting UV light back into space (idiotic practice helping to increase fungus, bacteria, virus on Earth etc). The U.S. Air Force have been aerosoling our skies across the World from 1993 using the Open Skies Treaty but now even some commercial aircraft have become involved so it is no longer just the USAF although they oversee the operations. I suggest you study the health problems of the nations peoples since the 90s and the dramatic increases in both cancer and Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease amongst others. This isn't surprising when we know that the World Health Organization expected around one billion people suffering (which they termed collateral damage) as a result of these operations. Do you think metallic particles stay up in the atmosphere on their own? They do not and initially many failed attempts occured which meant they needed to add components to the mix in order to improve staying-up times. There are many components used in the SAG mix and some of them would shock you if you bothered to research the subject properly. Then I suggest you study how the U.S Military and others wish to vector pharmaceutical poisons over you and in future do away with vaccinations by needles (which we can at least see, know about and avoid at all costs). Have you never heard to the numerous covert biological weapons testing both in the U.S and the U.K amongst others where people never even knew and injuries and death occured but the operations were kept classified and the true reasons for illness covered-up. Yet another example of the uses of SAG is the Variable Terrain Radio Parabolic Equation systen used for 3D Mapping environments for montioring areas and civilians in yet another big brother control freak system part of your invisible prison. Since you think you know so much about molecules then explain to me how that house exists considering an atom isn't a solid compound?

I would to know where I claimed the U.S. Military had turned me gay because anyone who can read will not find me saying this anywhere and I detest people who claim others said something when they said nothing of the sort. I explained that I turned myself gay or should I say 70-80% gay as I still have a small tendancy towards certain women. Please get your facts straight. I also challenge you to disprove my factual data and that is the difference between you and some others compared to myself. I can give you facts, dates and references for my information. I'm an education being schooled on many topics and now I see the state of a few posters on this forum I decide it is not for me. Now I ask myself what is the difference between you and those who snigger, mock and attack gay people both physically and verbally? You have done the same to me for my knowledge because it is different from yours. How do you know that your comments will not be an aid to me committing suicide because I might be down about having to live amongst the majority of people who you cannot converse with or get any mind stimulation from. There is no difference I assure you this can be the case with many people who are schooled on reality whilst having to still live amongst the illusion and those trapped within it trying to gatekeeper you back into the illusion or single you out. I suggest you all study yourselfs and think hard about your actions and how you use this word trolling but it may really be applied to yourselves. What I've witness here is my thread being hijacked and by what looks to me as cognitive dissodence.

How can anyone mock over the U.S Military Gay Bomb when it is a proven fact that the Department of Defense have been researching and rest assured testing weapons which can turn men and soldiers into having homosexual desires. It looks like one being on here has had the intelligence to go and do some kind of google search and find out that this research is very real. It is such a shame others cannot be bothered to put the time in. As I have said I have researched these subjects intensively for fifthteen years and you will find it very hard to debate me and you will certainly never win but even more so since I am leaving this forum because of this childish and cry baby attack. So it looks like my credibility is in fact intact. Instead of assuming you know it all, I would suggest you do some research before opening your mouths on subjects you do not have a clue about. I am not here to educate people like you, I am willing to teach people of worth who have an interest. I've already given this forum some excellent information such as how to be more secure with your computing using Longsoon Yeelong in the computer thread, information you will not usually hear. It is a shame a few can ruin it for others and the many. I am sure you will soon see the bars of your prison as the police state comes down on you like a ton of bricks in the post-democratic society all ready for you real soon.

Goodbye all!

seems to me like you're in denial of actually being gay/bi, trying to come up with all these excuses(government doing this and that ect ect) but could just be me...

havikryan Wrote:seems to me like you're in denial of actually being gay/bi, trying to come up with all these excuses(government doing this and that ect ect) but could just be me...

Seems to me that you do not bother to read complete threads but this isn't surprising in this era of the 30 second vine youtube generation. Please close this thread before more idiotic messages arrive hijacking and attacking.

Everyone, lets not forget that if it's posted on the internet, IT MUST BE TRUE! The is all because of a hidden agenda from the Masons and Illuminati...conspiracy theorists unite!!!

I sincerely apologize for making a mockery of gaycraig's more recent comments...but it's not my fault, the military made me this way. Sheesh, there I go again! I just can't stop myself!!!

I feel so dirty for liking that post.

And I am not going to read that Craig. This thread has been mindboggling enough without me reading your self-deletion thread, which I anticipate to contain alot of hate or even more absurd conspiracy theories. Sheep

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