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I'm a : Single Gay Man
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At "your age" it's not surprising. It's an age when hormones are rageing and guys are seeking physical release. I don't mean to belittle your quest for a relationship that I think is admirable, but at "your" age you have to understand that those of a similar age and older too, are out for something quicker and NSA. Good luck in your search. Persevere and I'm sure you'll succeed.
"You can be young without money but you can't be old without money"
Maggie the Cat from "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." by Tennessee Williams
Do you think it's only gay guys who act this way? My female friends have the same complaint about straight guys. I don' think it has to do with sexual preference, but more to do with the way our society has changed and evolved over the years. We live in a world where everyone wants everything immediately. Gratification now!! People don't want to do the hard work of building a relationship when casual sex is so much easier.
People in their majority are sexual creatures. But some of them are not. Don't be seduced with lustfull speeches)
People are different. But some of them more different than other)
You can find people with same demands - i'm sure that you are not alone
I can safely say when I was 15-18, all I cared about was being with someone I cared about - the "sex thing" was nothing but an obligation that came with it. Then again, I did meet (and date) a lot of people who seemed to think the inverse was true. In general, I think it's just one of those things that varies person to person. Like most things.
stick to what's true to you , people are easily influenced by culture, peer pressure. media pressure even - stick to your guns mate and find that partner who has the same values as you, just don't follow the crowd
I think I know what you want. I fell madly in love with Tom Bolenbaugh on 6/21/68. I am still madly in love with him even though he died on 12/8/97. We had a life together for 30 years which I rejoice in. When I think back, it felt perfect.
Sex felt perfect when we met. Life goes on and sometimes we fought and I despised myself for having a hardon with him. Then we back in love again and the sex was perfect.
If you ask me today what I miss most about Tom. I miss the long conversations we had before he died. He was sick for awhile and we had no sex. I miss French kissing Tom. I miss fondling his rib cage. I miss his belly button. I miss teaching him how to cook, sew and clean house.
I miss everything about Tom. There are times when I need to feel horny to avoid feeling depressed. My memory is great. I can still tell you the number of contractions we had during orgasm. We traveled over 4 continents dead broke. We had a pisser living without a dollar in our pockets.
This is me. I hope you find your own Tom. Despite his death I still feel him hanging around me just out of view. Twice I've seen his ghost and he says he can't wait until I die and we spend eternity together. I won grand prize for a gay guy. A life filled with faith, hope and charity.
Before I met Tom I had a lot of sex with a lot of different guys. They are sort of hard to remember but I don't regret them or feel guilty. They seem a bit empty in retrospect but at the time I tried to treat every boy I knew as special. It worked. I still meet these guys and enjoy talking to them.
You are not where you want to be. Take a deep breadth, pay attention and look for the guy who is going to take your heart. I believe every guy needs to be king to someone. Tom and I were loyal subjects to each other.
By the way, you care about sex because you are 18. You got hormones dripping from your glands and I envy a guy of 18. Viagara promises a 4 hour erection. I would be happy with a 4 minute erection. Don't complain about being horny. IT DOESN"T LAST. LOVE DOES.
Enjoy being horny and try to stay out of trouble. Look for guy who will own you. Took me 22 years to find him. I thought I found my guy young. I remember a few guys who fell in love younger but at most two. Takes a while. Learn to like yourself, stay active, visit a gym, and I loved to walk. You bet. Tom loved to walk and talk when we met. It lasted.
I used to want a relationship, just like all my straight friends have had, but I learned that it's really too much to ask at the moment, so I just started appreciating sex, and I'm having a good time.
Teenagers are horny, pretty much? But a lot of them do want stable, loving relationships. And those tend to be pretty reliant sources of sex, coincidentally so win-win.
Its all in the moans.
The hormones.
Simple really!