Bhp91126 Wrote:Aww. Cheer up! You could be at the other side of the planet, living in a homophobic society, dealing with traditional family expectations, broke and single.
See, it's all a matter of perspective.

Actually young people people in my city is not homophobic at all as currently I'm out with everyone and al my friends are ok with that

And the part of family expectations is so true, but luckily I have my mom supports me all the way as a gay guy although she was really sad when I first came out to her.
Things that pull me down is the goals that I have set. Studying, finding a way to move to a more stable country, got lot of friends but nobody really understands me... The hardest thing is this culture, people here extremely prefer a fake modesty to confidence. I don't feel safe when talking with them.
Last but not least, as a common emotion of guys in their 20s, I do need somebody O_O
All that made me so depressed last year, now it gets better a bit.
I know everything will be ok though, I'm just enjoying the insecurity as a gift life has thrown in my face lol.
So emotional that I talk so much, but thank you for being so kind