A dream I had awhile back. It was weird that it mixed RL with fantasy, in an action movie style. lol Plus it shows I play too much CoD Zombies. :p Basically it was a post apocalyptic world filled with zombies, and different staff members had different AO's area's of operation. My team was tasked with supply runs, and we were in a helicopter in rout to a pharmacy to recover medicine. In the dream I remember reporting in, "Outlaw actual this is outlaw 2-5 approaching drop point." with a reply stating our op was a go. lol So the helicopter lands in an open area in a small village, and we head across to the pharmacy. Inside is where it get's interesting. lol There were four of us, three after one of the guys goes towards the door to the back and a pharmacist zombie smashes out on him which we promptly returned fire. The shots attracted all the other zombies in the area, and after we secured the medicine we radioed the helicopter for pick up. :p We make it to the stairwell to the roof being a two or three story building in the dream, and barricade the door, but the zombie hoard breaks it down so we fight our way to the roof and run out jumping onto the helicopter an inch away as one of us mans a door gun. In the end we fly off having our lives saved by a good chopper pilot. lol Sorry, I know it may sound weird but it was on my mind, and I felt like sharing. :p
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Joined: Oct 2015
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Just usual Sunday blues. How the hell does the weekend go so fast!!
Was called a little fucking queer in work today
A bunch of Japanese words;
Trying to figure out some HTML coding...
a lil translation studying and shit...
Eatin this yumyum Curry Tuna Sandwich...
Typing here...
Gurl, my mind be having a full on party up there x.x and I wasn't even bleddy invited x.x