Yet another sexual predator case in a kindergarten here in my hometown.
There has been so many the last 2 years.
Soon men probably won't be allowed to work with kids here anymore. People will probably start thinking that we are all pedos.
It's so odd, it's always my hometown, never another town. Almost never. I'm sure it happens elsewhere too.
I'd love to work in a kindergarten again, since you get to experience a lot of great stuff, together with the kids and the adults.
Some kindergartens go on trips, which would be very fun to be a part of.
But my stomach suck so damn much, always feeling shitty pretty much. Stayed home from work today because of it. Good thing the work is a program via social services to make me get used to work, or else I'd be fired by now

I'll probably stop eating candy from now on, the pain I had in my stomach this morning was quite bad.
I've gone to work with bad stomach many times, so when I stay home with a bad stomach, it really is bad.
Need to exercise more if I'm gonna work in a kindergarten who brags about going into nature with the kids and other such stuff.