05-29-2014, 05:07 PM
I find it interesting living in a college town. I'm surrounded by what I call "beautiful young people". Now, of course, I mean that in the superficial sense. I know very few of them (a few). So they may not be "beautiful" on the inside at all, have no idea. But I enjoy looking at them if for no other reason than they are young. It's a double edge sword, too. If I compare myself to them, I'm quite homely. So, I try to not do that. On the other hand, if I just let their youthful energy inspire me, it keeps me feeling younger than I am.
For sure men can be both handsome and sexy or not so handsome and sexy. Some have said sexy is an attitude, which is one way of looking at it. For me it is a quality I find difficult to comprehend. Some men just 'do it' for me and others don't, regardless how good looking they are. I'm often surprised because they don't fall into any particular superficial "type". Generally they are younger than I am, but not always (my first partner was 3 years older, my second partner 10 years younger--I've outlived them both).
Sexy has to do as much with the way they move, the way they smell, the way they smile… It's actually sort of like a magnetic energy. I'm 'drawn' to them, energetically. It is often quite spontaneous and sometimes momentary. In other words, there might be an initial spark where there is a physical attraction but then that goes away once I begin to interact with them. It can happen the other way around, too, where I don't feel much sexual attraction at all but then, as I get to know them, it grows.
I've learned that, for me at least, the latter is better than the former and usually lasts longer.
But, going back to beauty… There are some guys who are so beautiful I just want to stare at them. I'm an artist and for me it is like looking at any beautiful object or scene. No inherent sexually erotic component to it. I'm just fascinated by the beauty itself. I often have to stop myself from looking at someone for fear I'll embarrass them and myself. Sexy, on the other hand, is different. Where 'beauty' is in my eyes; 'sexy' is in my groin!
For sure men can be both handsome and sexy or not so handsome and sexy. Some have said sexy is an attitude, which is one way of looking at it. For me it is a quality I find difficult to comprehend. Some men just 'do it' for me and others don't, regardless how good looking they are. I'm often surprised because they don't fall into any particular superficial "type". Generally they are younger than I am, but not always (my first partner was 3 years older, my second partner 10 years younger--I've outlived them both).
Sexy has to do as much with the way they move, the way they smell, the way they smile… It's actually sort of like a magnetic energy. I'm 'drawn' to them, energetically. It is often quite spontaneous and sometimes momentary. In other words, there might be an initial spark where there is a physical attraction but then that goes away once I begin to interact with them. It can happen the other way around, too, where I don't feel much sexual attraction at all but then, as I get to know them, it grows.
I've learned that, for me at least, the latter is better than the former and usually lasts longer.
But, going back to beauty… There are some guys who are so beautiful I just want to stare at them. I'm an artist and for me it is like looking at any beautiful object or scene. No inherent sexually erotic component to it. I'm just fascinated by the beauty itself. I often have to stop myself from looking at someone for fear I'll embarrass them and myself. Sexy, on the other hand, is different. Where 'beauty' is in my eyes; 'sexy' is in my groin!