06-07-2014, 11:46 AM
Were you one of those guys in suits? 

HumbleTangerine Wrote:Hey, I've seen people make threads for less.
I graduated today!!!!!!!!
In Sweden we have this tradition where the class meets up really early (I had to get up at 4.30 to get ready) to have breakfast and drink champagne. After that we go to school where evevntually there's lunch. Then we went to the park, had a group photo taken and then, and then, we get up on our flatbeds!
Since frequent drinking is pretty much the core of the tradition, everyone's drunk by now. We get up on our flatbed equipped with loud speakers and go around town screaming, dancing, drinking and throwing whatever we can find wherever we can throw it, waving to strangers etc. At one point, the flatbed of another class went by, and I saw my ex who pretty much treated me like shit a few months ago. But I raised my neck-horn (yeah, I had a neck-horn!), blew it towards him and smiled, and he smiled back.
I just got home from a 2 hour train-ride. I'm going to relax for 1 hour, then it's back into the city to go to some bars with my closest friends who've also graduated. I just made this thread because I have some time to kill and now you all know how drunk and happy I am!!!!
Oh, and also, I was elected class sexbomb, class teddy-bear (whaaat?) and my grades were great. This is the only day in my life where I'll tell humility to fuck off and just brag! Cheers to deleting this thing tomorrow and cheers to one of the few traditions worth having around! :')