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Some pills should not be crushed or cut.
Yes, you should go back to the clinic and explain your problem in taking the meds. They are important. Do it right away.
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I dont think it can be crushed. its azithromycin
No no no - don't advise him to cut or smash any pill unless you know what the pill is. Many of those pills now days are time released and breaking their casing leads to an OD.
Taking the pills right now is not about treating an infection, its about killing out any potential colonizers that may be setting up house right now. All infectious diseases have an 'incubation' period. This is the time when the one or few germs that got in set up house and start breeding to hit a population high enough to cause symptoms.
With bacterias, its often the case that taking an antibiotic for a short course at time of possible infection will prevent a breakout.
Chlamydia is treated typically with A single dose of azithromycin or a week of doxycycline. Either one of those do have the liquid form - tastes like cherries. Not really, but its what the package says.
I would call pharmacy, explain to them that you don't know how to swallow pills, and they will contact the prescribing doctor to get you a liquid or something.
At least he told you to get tested. Yes he should have told you why you needed to be tested, but lets face it he isn't a partner/lover so he really doesn't owe it to you to be 100% honest.
Perhaps this little episode will clue you in on his character and maybe you will think about that the next time he wants a blow job or whatever.
The way you write says you come from the UK or some other socialist place with free medicine.
I personally would go to my own personal doctor to have it on the file that I contracted this disease. This is something that may have a chance of turning around and biting you on the butt down the road. In my case I trust my personal doctor a bit further than I can throw other doctors.... So I am slightly more prone to follow his advice.
Ashamed to talk to your own doctor about sex? Then you are in for a world of hurt down the road. Males tend to not like to talk about sex, their penis or anything like that with their doctor... this tends to lend itself to the high rate or prostate issues, testicular cancer, oh and undiagnosed STDS that go epically wrong.
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I am going to get the liquid form. I just need to find out how to do it. I live in Canada so it's covered for the most part. at least the pills dont know about the liquid form.
This whole predicament is asking myself why I m treating myself like this. I deserve better than just being a main guy with having guys on the side. It never interested me and never will.
No matter what "arrangement" you have, practice SAFE SEX!
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oh we have safe sex.... just anal sex is safe... not oral....
I'd be having a f'ing SERIOUS talk with my "friends with benefits" partner, if I were you.
Withholding that kind of information is bullshit.
As for the pills, I agree with those that say to do the treatment. Better safe than sorry. And make damned sure your bed partner does his treatment too if you're going to keep screwing him after his having screwed you over.