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Five Questions
1. Do you follow any professional sport teams? Which ones/why?

The local indoor lacrosse team - the Colorado Mammoth. Why? Hard to say. I went to their very first game, and had an awesome time. The matches are usually very exciting. Also, the players all have day jobs - they fly in on the weekends to practice and play the matches. They'll come to a bar after the match, and you can buy them a drink and discuss the game with them. So it's a little more like cheering for "friends" than "guys in uniforms".

2. Do you think prostitution should be legal? Why/why not?

Definitely. Criminalizing it certainly hasn't made it go away, and I think it's an activity that would work best with some internal policing.

3. Do you play a musical instrument?

Just the stylophone. Smile I took piano lessons for twelve years, organ lessons for three, and tried to learn bass, but I just sucked at all three.

4. Do you have a theory or opinion on the Malaysian plane that disappeared last year? What do you think happened to it?

It crashed. Everything else is based on information given to me at least fourth hand.

5. Do you think world peace is possible? Why/why not?

If world peace occurs, it would probably happen under an exceptionally powerful and possibly brutal regime. Sort of like an alien invasion type of enslavement. I don't know if that's worth it.

1. What is one of your earliest memories that you've held on to?
2. Have you ever dreamed about some (presumably fictitious) place that you'd like to visit in real life?
3. What sort of house would you love to own?
4. Hot tub outside on a cold day, or cool swimming pool/lake outside on a hot day?
5. I'm flying in to visit for a day! Assuming you have the time off, what will we do together? Smile


Lexington Wrote:1. What is one of your earliest memories that you've held on to?
I have a whole bunch of them that go way, way back. I can remember being in my bassinet and later, my crib bed. In altered states of consciousness, I seem to be able to remember prenatal existence. That is somewhat less certain in my mind because now we're getting into the territory of how the brain forms and how consciousness forms within it. For sure we all have sensations as fetuses. And, if what I've been told is true, the brain *retains* just about every experience we've eve had. Not that these are readily available to our conscious minds… but these fundamental patterns continue to exist and exert an influence in our lives. This, I can confirm.

My mother was in her 40s when she gave birth to me. She was given a lot of anesthetics and those drugs went through the placenta, through the umbilical cord, and affected me *at the time of my birth.* This put down the fundamental pattern I've struggled with all my life: When I'm under stress (and the birth experience IS *the* fundamental stress experience), rather than fight for survival, I tend to "withdraw" and "go to sleep". When I was a child this was quite literal and that continued up into my mid 20s. It wasn't until I *re-experienced* this state of numb terror and devastating ennui in regressive psychotherapy, that I began to understand *why* I'm like this.

Quote:2. Have you ever dreamed about some (presumably fictitious) place that you'd like to visit in real life?
Oh, yes, all the time. These dreams have recurred since my childhood and are so much apart of my way of looking at the world, I do not need to be asleep to "dream" about it. The way I put it (perhaps metaphorically) is that I'm not *from* THIS planet. The world I'm from is so completely different from life on earth that there are very few instances of correspondence that make it possible to describe in earth language.

The closest I've seen to this being expressed is in the way the Navi communed with the life consciousness of their planet, Pandora, in the movie Avatar. I've never met James Cameron but I'm quite certain he and I are "from the same planet."

I could, and may in another thread at some point, go on with this particularly strange train of thought, but I'll leave it at this for now.

Quote:3. What sort of house would you love to own?
I *wish* I could afford to own a house here in the Bay Area. Lord have mercy… the real estate is *insane*. But my "ideal" house would probably not be here but somewhere that averaged 10 to 20 degrees warmer and a bit more tropical. Hawaii perhaps. It would be contemporary with a lot of glass walls looking out onto views, and laid out in such a way that "inside" vs "outside" was a very 'fluid' concept.

Quote:4. Hot tub outside on a cold day, or cool swimming pool/lake outside on a hot day?
I can't have both??!! Well, perhaps not at the same time, yeah. I *love* getting in the hot tub when there is snow outside. For me, that has only happened when I was hanging out up near Lake Tahoe. But, yeah, I love getting in a pool when it is 80° or above. Unfortunately that happens so rarely here, even though there are pools within easy walking distance, I never get int them. They just feel COLD to me.

Quote:5. I'm flying in to visit for a day! Assuming you have the time off, what will we do together? Smile

Well, for sure, I'd ask what you're interested in. If you only have one day -- jeebitz. I don't live in San Francisco but it is so close -- there are so many interesting things there people often want to see. If it were left up to me, though, I'd just hang out right here in my neighborhood. I'd show you around, tell you some of the local history -- which is quite amazing, actually. But that's just it. It is to me, anyway. It might not be for anyone else. *shrug*

Ok, now for the hard part: Thinking up 5 questions… Ughhh I feel so inadequate doing that.

1: What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning. Now think about it, yeah, sure you go to the john… but, no, I mean *the very first thing*?

2: If you saw a tiny two headed dragon, what would you do?

[Image: existenz-03.jpg]

3: What's the creepiest thing you've ever experienced for real?

4: Why do you think people bear their teeth when they smile? When dogs do it, it is a signal to beware.

5: Is it conceivable to you that each of us lives in our own "reality bubble"?

Quote:1: What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning. Now think about it, yeah, sure you go to the john… but, no, I mean *the very first thing*?

the very first thing. it depends. it's not always the same. sometimes i wake up with a boner, and so i take care of that before doing anything else. sometimes i just rub it gently for a while, till i want to get out of bed. then other times i wake up and go right back to sleep.

unless you wanna hear about me slamming my wake up alarm shut being the very first thing that i do. because most days that is the very first thing that i do. if i'm coherent enough to do it.... there have been instances i've slept through all my multiple alarms with no recollection of shutting them off and waking up hours after the fact.

Quote:2: If you saw a tiny two headed dragon, what would you do?

that particular dragon? i'd figure i was in eXistenZ. Smile if you just meant a generic two-headed dragon i'd think i was hallucinating for some reason. i'd probably explore my environment some more then. i've never hallucinated in my life and i am open to the experience.

Quote:3: What's the creepiest thing you've ever experienced for real?

i thought i saw an actual UFO once. it wasn't (of course). it was approaching car lights bouncing off of wet power lines far off from behind a curve. but it was in rural countryside with nothing other than a black night sky for the backdrop, and it sure looked like lights from alien aircraft, especially the way they moved and suddenly reversed direction.

to me, that was creepy.

Quote:4: Why do you think people bear their teeth when they smile? When dogs do it, it is a signal to beware.

eh, dogs bare their teeth when they're smiling too.

[Image: dsc0360f.jpg]

Quote:5: Is it conceivable to you that each of us lives in our own "reality bubble"?

to a degree, yes. but reality cannot be fully overridden by personal bias. some of it is universal to all.


a. take a day off and drive around by yourself. where would you go?
b. favorite timepiece (that you own or either would like to own)?
c. do you have any scars on your body?
d. what do you eat more than any other thing?
e. do you sleep on your belly or back?

a. take a day off and drive around by yourself. where would you go?

West. That's the way up into the mountains. I'd go to one of the smaller towns (Georgetown is nice), get a sandwich, and have a picnic. Then I'd wander around the small shops in town.

This is all assuming it's nice and warm. If it's snowing, screw it, I ain't driving anywhere.

b. favorite timepiece (that you own or either would like to own)?

I already got it. It was the Swatch I had in 1985. Got one recently online.

[Image: %24_1.JPG?set_id=880000500F]

c. do you have any scars on your body?

A few, but nothing huge or very noticeable. I have a scar on my right lower eyelid from having shingles when I was a kid. And I have a small scar on my right knee from when I tore it open playing football when I was seven. I probably have one or two more, but they're no more noticeable than those.

d. what do you eat more than any other thing?

Hm - good question. Probably pizza in its many varieties. Smile

e. do you sleep on your belly or back?

Neither - I sleep on my side. Well, most of the time - I'm a pretty active sleeper. (To all those contemplating sleeping with the gargoyle - you've been duly warned.)

1. Name at least one oddball thing in your junk drawer.
2. What's one piece of furniture in your home you'd really like to replace?
3. What's a dream you had in the (distant) past that has stuck with you?
4. If/when you doodle, what is something you usually draw?
5. What's something your refrigerator/freezer is never without?



2)Bed. I want other bed. Big by the size.

3)Wanted to become a real magician).

4)I draw different faces.

5)Always have ice cream).
1)Your zodiac sign?
2)Favorite flavor (smell)?
3)Your most insane act in life?
4)Your favorite song?
5)Your secret desire?)


1. Leo. I'm not very good at being a Leo.

2. Taste? White chocolate. Smell? Good, dank bud. Taste and smell? Fried chicken.

3. Well I jumped out of a perfectly good plane once.

4. "Marquee Moon" by Television.

5. Well it wouldn't be a secret if I went and told everyone, now would it? :p


1. Least favorite song?
2. Weirdest place you've fucked?
3. Have you ever fucked at work?
4. Do you want to fuck at your work?
5. Do you mind if I pay you a visit at your work so we can fuck at your work?

1. Least favorite song?

"Waiting for a Star to Fall" by Boy Meets Girl. Luckily, the song appears to have vanished into the ether.

2. Weirdest place you've fucked?

The 50-yard-line of the Denver Broncos training facility.

3. Have you ever fucked at work?

Yes. At more than one job.

4. Do you want to fuck at your work?

I'm always up for a bit of work sex. Smile

5. Do you mind if I pay you a visit at your work so we can fuck at your work?

Are you here yet? Why not?

Yes, I answered your last question with two questions. Deal with it. Smile

1. Weirdest place you masturbated?
2. What book in your home gets opened the most?
3. Did you ever keep a diary?
4. What will you use to keep away the attacking zombies?
5. What is the worst TV program you remember watching?


Lexington Wrote:1. Weirdest place you masturbated?
2. What book in your home gets opened the most?
3. Did you ever keep a diary?
4. What will you use to keep away the attacking zombies?
5. What is the worst TV program you remember watching?


1. Weirdest place you masturbated?

In a dressing room at Nordstrom. Clearance sales.

2. What book in your home gets opened the most?

Modernist Cuisine

3. Did you ever keep a diary?

Thought about it but never did.

4. What will you use to keep away the attacking zombies?

I threw the chicken bones into the neighbor's yard.

5. What is the worst TV program you remember watching?

Power Rangers? It was so bad it was good...

Next set of Qs...

1) Are you a pervert?
2) First body part you wash in the shower?
3) If you had to live a day in another person's body, who would you choose and why?
4) Do you believe in asexuality?
5) Where's Waldo?

1) Are you a pervert?

That's a really good question. Smile I guess I need to define the term before answering if I identify with it. I once said that the difference between a "fetish" and a "perversion" was simply the number of people who partake in it. That said, it's probably partially also how far you take it. Doing it doggy-style probably wouldn't be considered perverted. Doing it while wearing a leash might, and doing it while wearing a full dog costume (and speaking in nothing but barking noises) probably definitely would.

Other than perhaps "liking guys", I don't think any of my sexual interests fall much from the mainstream. I tend to be pretty vanilla in the bedroom, although I'd like to think the vanilla I serve is awesome. Smile I do seem to enjoy/talk about/partake in sex more than most guys my age, and some might consider that "perverted" but I don't really think that qualifies. So I guess I'll go with "no".

2) First body part you wash in the shower?

The first part that gets wet is, I guess, my right leg as I enter. (The water's on before I get in.) Then I step up and let the water run over my face and head. First part to actually get washed is my hair - I do that before my body.

3) If you had to live a day in another person's body, who would you choose and why?

Hm. Two options came to mind. First off, I'd like to see what it's like to be really muscular and strong (and, what the hell, really well hung). Secondly, I think it'd be interesting to live as a woman for a day, just to experience things from that perspective. As far as which specific body's to live in, no druthers, other than I hope I'd get laid at some point during the day. Smile

4) Do you believe in asexuality?

Yes. I've met one guy who identifies as asexual, and I've talked to (and counseled) others who identify as asexual online. I don't think everybody who says they're asexual IS, mind you - I think some people might adopt the label due to trauma or other difficulties. But I don't think everybody who says they're asexual is "faking it" - I think it's a real thing. One thing I've said about homophobes is "it's annoying how much more they claim to know about my sexuality than I do", and I think that's true of me and asexuals. I assume they know more about it than I do, seeing as how they're actually experiencing it.

5) Where's Waldo?

[Image: 127404_god-knows-where-waldo-is.jpg]

1. Do you remember being misinformed about something that later proved wrong, and that everybody else thought was obvious? Like you've been pronouncing a word wrong for decades, or thought the Earth went around Mars, or something odd like that?

2. What's the most interesting thing in your wallet?

3. What are a couple of "fetishes" that would be a dealbreaker to you, that you would definitely never try?

4. Have you ever been to court?

5. Any humorous sex (or masturbation) anecdotes you'd like to share?


Lexington Wrote:1. Do you remember being misinformed about something that later proved wrong, and that everybody else thought was obvious? Like you've been pronouncing a word wrong for decades, or thought the Earth went around Mars, or something odd like that?

i thought planet Venus was a star when i was a kid. till i found out it was a planet. that was a world-changing thing for me.

Quote:2. What's the most interesting thing in your wallet?

right now....probably one exclusive access+discount card to one of the best night club venues on the continent.

at one time, for a long period (years), i used to have a picture of a naked male couple in my wallet. right visible to everyone who happened to look that way. (it was a sexual image). it was when i was in my first college, early 20s. and i remember i was once standing in line in the McDonald's and there happened to be another gay guy standing near me who saw that picture and he mentioned it to his buddies (they were foreign tourists) and they were really enthused that i had no problem displaying it so publicly.

Quote:3. What are a couple of "fetishes" that would be a dealbreaker to you, that you would definitely never try?

sadomasochism. crossdressing.

Quote:4. Have you ever been to court?


Quote:5. Any humorous sex (or masturbation) anecdotes you'd like to share?

i have an extremely bad memory for anecdotes. it pretty much comes in one ear and goes out the other the very same moment. i don't remember any anecdotes at all, and whenever someone asks me to tell a funny story or an anecdote i draw a complete blank. (like right now). i can tell you about quantum mechanics and how objects could go through walls given sufficient enough time; i can tell you about the brain and the neurotransmitters, or the kinesin walking along the microtubules in the axon (which is cute, by the way)...but i don't have any anecdotes.


1. what is important to you about a restaurant for you to eat there? (other than the food).

2. what is the thing you spend most of your money on? (and not something you have to spend money on, like rent or monthly bills, but something you regularly/consistently buy out of free will that takes up most of what you spend).

3. do you/have you ever picked up hitchhikers? good/bad experiences?

4. what have you introduced other people to that they hadn't been exposed to before (and something they started to like/use after you did so)? (e.g. i've exposed several of my friends to avocado oil, Marilyn Manson <---back in early 20s, Ed Sheeran, certain geographical locations/places, ... a lot of things, really)

5. how medically competent are you in treating injuries/trauma/providing first aid? have you done anything like that?
''Do I look civilized to you?''

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