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Five Questions
1. what is important to you about a restaurant for you to eat there? (other than the food).

CONSISTENCY (#1)...I like privately owned restaurants...I love restaurants that have been in business over 30 years...Unobtrusive service - I tip very well and I already have enough friends....

2. what is the thing you spend most of your money on? (and not something you have to spend money on, like rent or monthly bills, but something you regularly/consistently buy out of free will that takes up most of what you spend).

I collect things...a lot of things...and I spend a lot of money on things I am passionate about. I have spent the most on art sculpture and also Disney and Warner Brothers and some other animation figures that are from the 1920s-30s-40s and maybe up to 1954

3. do you/have you ever picked up hitchhikers? good/bad experiences?

Many years ago...once that I remember...we had sex LOL...I knew when I saw him that we were going to have sex...and we did.

4. what have you introduced other people to that they hadn't been exposed to before (and something they started to like/use after you did so)? (e.g. i've exposed several of my friends to avocado oil, Marilyn Manson <---back in early 20s, Ed Sheeran, certain geographical locations/places, ... a lot of things, really)

Hmmm....I have turned people on to Chaka Khan and Rachelle Ferrell...alot of different restaurants...olive oil and lemon juice for kidney stones....lots of different stuff I think.

5. how medically competent are you in treating injuries/trauma/providing first aid? have you done anything like that?

I suck...it is an empath thing. I feel what they are feeling. I can't even look at accidents. I faint seeing blood....

Did you believe in soulmates?
What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?
The most serious problem facing humanity...your opinion?
Have you ever jumped out of an airplane?
Have you had the best sex of yourife yet? If not...do you expect to?

East Wrote:Did you believe in soulmates?

Not in the slightest. I think there are a fair number of people one could get into a relationship with. And yes, you would assumedly have a better relationship with some people than others. But "soulmate" leads people to think that there's precisely ONE person that they're supposed to be in a relationship with. And that leads to people to question even fantastic relationships. I mean, you like to sleep with the window closed and he likes the window open - surely, if you were soulmates, you would like it the same way, yes? So obviously he's the wrong for you, isn't he? I'm not saying that people should stay in bad relationships, of course, but compromise is the key to a good relationship, not "finding the precisely correct person".

Quote:What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?

I can't really answer this. I'm not very visually attuned. The upper limits of "beauty" for me are more like "yeah, that is pretty damn neat"...which is far cry from "beautiful". Smile I've found myself staring at the most random things - paintings, sculptures, old antiques, landscapes, even cereal boxes - and sort of losing myself in the colors and patterns. But I don't know if that counts as beauty. Those are just compelling.

I've responded pretty intensely to some naked guys' butts,, but that's less "beauty" and more a simply sexual stimulation. Smile

Quote:The most serious problem facing humanity...your opinion?

Hoo boy. I guess I'll be holistic and say "procrastination". Because a lot of problems seem like they can be handled early on...but of course, at that point, there's not urgency to get them solved. So we wait. And eventually, we get to the flashpoint...and suddenly, it's too late to do anything simple. The problem is too massive, and the solution has to become massive as well.

Quote:Have you ever jumped out of an airplane?

I'm not fond of heights - not really "scared" of them, they just don't excite me like they do others. So no. As one of my friends once said "Why leave a perfectly functioning airplane?"

Quote:Have you had the best sex of your life yet? If not...do you expect to?[/B]

Oh, I've definitely had sex that I would currently list as the best sex of my life so far. Am I always looking to find something to knock that one out of the number one slot? You'd best believe it. Smile

1. What famous person would you like to live next door to?

2. What three books would you take to a deserted island?

3. What was the last greeting card you received?

4. If you won a large fish tank, along with free fish and set-up and maintenance, what would you put in it?

5. What is one snack food you (nearly) always have in your home?


Lexington Wrote:1. What famous person would you like to live next door to?

Pope Francis. I'd like to talk over the fence about what he dreams of, what his next priority is, and what strikes him as funny.

Quote:2. What three books would you take to a deserted island?

I'd like to have a book on homeopathic medicine with herbals, a book on tropical diseases and natural remedies, and a transcript of the screenplay for Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail.

Quote:3. What was the last greeting card you received?

My uncle and his wife sent me a birthday card with a green cat wearing a leprecaun's cap.

Quote:4. If you won a large fish tank, along with free fish and set-up and maintenance, what would you put in it?

I already own a large aquarium, so I'd give it to my church so the kids could enjoy it, but I'm Presbyterian and it would probably just be too radical for them to deal with. LOL

Quote:5. What is one snack food you (nearly) always have in your home?

Bacon. What?

OK, here are my five:

1. Who from you childhood would you apologize to and why?

2. If you could fix any problem in the world, what would it be?

3. What historical event would you like to witness that you didn't?

4. If you could be the tycoon of business and own any big or small company, which would it be an why?

5. Who would you give $1M to and why?

1. Who from you childhood would you apologize to and why?

Bret K - Because I was helpless and unable to prevent what was happening to him and instead of being supportive I used it to hurt him more.

2. If you could fix any problem in the world, what would it be?

Destruction of the Ecology.

3. What historical event would you like to witness that you didn't?

The maiden voyage of the Hindenburg. Um not its last voyage. Mighty Airships have been a subject of interest to me for most of my life.

4. If you could be the tycoon of business and own any big or small company, which would it be an why?

I have no desire to be a tycoon of business. However I have always wanted to explore mari-culture - which would be sea farming over sea fishing.

5. Who would you give $1M to and why?

Not exactly a who, but to the people of Virgin Galactic - who are pioneering private space exploration. I firmly believe if humanity is to have a future it needs to start the serious exploration and exploitation of space, and apparently Washington D.C. isn't going to do it.

My Five:

1. What is your dream Vacation?

2. If you could be a captain of a starship - what would be the name of your starship?

3. Which was the hottest unfeeling character: Spock or Data?

4. What is the one issue you wish God would come down and personally set straight once and for all?

5. If you could meet an Alien (From another world), what burning question would you ask of him/her/it first?

1. What is your dream Vacation?

My dream vacation would definitely include a trip to Italy (visit the whole country) with my family, closest friends or my significant other (if i have one by then) and wrap it up in Amsterdam. Random as hell, I know.

2. If you could be a captain of a starship - what would be the name of your starship?

B**ch betta ha' my money! Haha

3. Which was the hottest unfeeling character: Spock or Data?

Data. I don't trust Spock's brows. lol

4. What is the one issue you wish God would come down and personally set straight once and for all?

Cliché, i know, but WORLD PEACE AND ACCEPTANCE between races, believes, mentalities, sexual orientation, classes, etc.

5. If you could meet an Alien (From another world), what burning question would you ask of him/her/it first?

How long have you guys been spying us? lol

Here are my five questions:

1. Could you mention one of the most amazing moments (trip, meeting some artist, going to a concert, receiving exciting news, etc) you have lived until now?

2. Do you believe that true love exists? And why?

3. What's your favorite band/artist?

4. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?

5. What's your favorite kind of food/dish?

1. What is your dream Vacation?

My dream vacation is to go to Japan, Korea and China then travel Europe riding trains and end up in the USA

2. If you could be a captain of a starship - what would be the name of your starship?

Sexy Captain starship.

3. Which was the hottest unfeeling character: Spock or Data?


4. What is the one issue you wish God would come down and personally set straight once and for all?

Is it or is it not okay to be gay?? A solution for either ways...

5. If you could meet an Alien (From another world), what burning question would you ask of him/her/it first?

What's your name?

My questions...

1. What was your first heartbreak like?

2. Have you ever slept with a girl ?

3. What do you do to let off steam when you're seething mad?

4. Ever did it in public?

5. Your worst hangover experience?

1. What was your first heartbreak like?

HORRIBLE. I felt sick to my stomach for days...my chest hurt really bad..I couldn't eat...I stayed in bed. I wanted him back BUT...as bad as I wanted to call him...I knew it was meant to be and so I slowly learned to accept it...

2. Have you ever slept with a girl ?

Yes...and I was gay...not bi....which is why I maintain a straight guy can sleep with a guy....for the same reason I did. I slept with a woman (or two) because I was a horny slut...not because I was bi. There wasn't any man around I was turned on to.

3. What do you do to let off steam when you're seething mad?

Nowadays...deep breathing. I also talk it out with myself. Working out at the gym helps too because I forget about it. I used to do primal screaming alot...and i quite liked it....very effective

4. Ever did it in public?

LOL...yes...too many times to count

5. Your worst hangover experience?

Wow...I had so many. I stopped drinking in my 20s because I am an alcoholic so I could go on for pages.

Maybe the worst was when I got my stomach pumped for alcohol poisoning after being taken to the hospital in an ambulance and had a tube shoved down my throat. Three hours later...I had a stomach full of charcoal and it was NOT pleasant. Yeah...that was the worst.

They took me to the psych ward at another hospital afterward for a suicide watch as they assumed I was trying to commit suicide and after I went commando on them and kicked the cop in the balls and awkwardly wiped everything off of the admitting desk (which was hard to accomplish with handcuffs on)...they chained me to a chair for three hours while I waited for an evaluation. The charcoal..it comes out of your ass like water and my ass and pants were drenched in charcoal residue and so when my counselor came in... I was in an altered state of pissed off/hangover land...and I assured her that it was NOT a suicide attempt and given a choice I would rather kill the person who pissed me off..not me. The reason I had gotten so drunk that night was a fight with a guy I was with at the time. I don't have a suicidal wish in my entire being...I would never even consider it.

She let me go...so I was happy. They did send me a bill though LOL

Next Five:

What is the best thing you bring to the table...your best qualities?...

1) As a friend?
2) As an employee?
3) In a relationship?
4) As a human being?
5) Your favorite quality about yourself?

What is the best thing you bring to the table...your best qualities?...

1) As a friend?
2) As an employee?
3) In a relationship?
4) As a human being?
5) Your favorite quality about yourself?

1) As a friend, my best qualities are caring, cheering them up, listening

2) Employee, getting my work done on time and helping others out if they needed my help and I had my work done before hand

3) In a relationship, being romantic, flirty, making my guy happy

4) As a human being, Kindness and care

5) My favorite quality is the fact that I think older than my age even though I do fall into situations were I come off as a complete child

my five questions..

1) Ever had a huge fight with your parents that was so big you had to quit on them? If so, have you resolved it or left things where they were at?

2) What was your first time like?

3) Were abused for being gay by friends, family or anyone else?

4) What was the most embarrassing experience you had with a guy while having sex?

5) If you were a billionaire, what would you do with all the money?

1) Ever had a huge fight with your parents that was so big you had to quit on them? If so, have you resolved it or left things where they were at?

Not so much a fight but I "divorced" myself from both of them at one point in my life. They were toxic people and I tried to make it work despite that..but it was either them or me...and I chose me...

2) What was your first time like?

Not pleasant...and nothing I want to talk about

3) Were abused for being gay by friends, family or anyone else?

I beat the crap out of the HS bully in front of all of his other jock friends...so no LOL (I am talking REALLY BAD beatdown..I didn't get a scratch on me and he was crying and begging for his mommy).

I was abused by my parents...badly...so I take no shit from anyone else. I used to try to warn my bar customers that I didn't bark much but I DO...and I WILL... bite...so don't fuck with me. I meant it.

4) What was the most embarrassing experience you had with a guy while having sex?

Well...it was afterward actually. He had a very LOUD voice and a thick Southern Drawl. He was a bar back I worked with and we had been flirting a lot and we got so horny one night we went to a hotel down the street and fucked all night long..went to sleep...and woke up in the afternoon and did it again for a few hours...then we went to dinner at this very busy Chinese restaurant that always was packed and had a waiting line and everyone was packed tight in a large dining room....

...and up to then he had been a quiet mousy guy but all of a sudden he found his "voice" and OMG :eek:

The first thing out of his mouth after he was sitting there blushing....REAL LOUD....

"I REALLY LIKED IT WHEN YOU FUCKED ME LAST NIGHT..."....thick Southern Drawl....

I was stunned...I froze and I couldn't even look around...there were families with children....

...and then....he continued....

I swear...the next sentence I almost died in my seat....


I entered an altered state ...I was so embarrassed and he wasn 't reading my face or any of the clues I was giving him so I suggested we do "take out" instead ...I think at one point I almost wet my pants....


I am usually really good at reading people and I soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo didn't see this coming....

I started to think one of my friends set me up and paid him to do this to me as a prank....

The nightmare continued for an hour or so of complete public humiliation...everyone was staring at us...

5) If you were a billionaire, what would you do with all the money?

Honestly...I would feel guilty being a billionaire. Too many people starving in the world...homeless...I don't understand how anyone can BE a billionaire and be OK with it...UNLESS...they embrace charity... and humanity

So yeah..charity...a lot of charity...I would keep a modest portion of the money and make sure that the rest of it was distributed to charities I believe in... and also...however I made the billions...I would make sure to keep that money maker so I could raise money indefinitely to keep the charities going for as long as possible...

My five...

1) When was the last time you felt really sexy?
2) Do you ever break your own rules? Do you like it?
3) If you found a guy you wanted to marry..would you have a big wedding and invite everyone?...or go to a Justice of the Peace and tell no one?
4) Religion? A force of good...or evil?
5) What food make you want to gag?

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