1- Ever got into a fist fight?
not in adulthood.... well Ihave been in a tournament but that doesn't count.
2- Thing you regret the most?
mmm.... I rarely regret things, so this will be hard to think of....ah, I would say I regret not taking it all the way with my first love, I was afraid that my family would find out that I was gay. terrible times
3- What do you say to gay men who got married to hide their sexuality?
well I used to be a supporter of that sort of thing in the past but now, I would tell them to stop living life for others and to start living for themselves, after all, this life is short.
4- Wildest memory?
lol, you probably don't want to go there, I can get pretty wild. when I was young I tried to escape from the second floor of my house in one of the bedrooms, using a load of sheets tied together then i threw them out the window tied to the bed pole... unfortunately i didn't make the rope long enough... hurt my leg pretty bad.
5- Favorite music genre?
err I guess Hip-hop.
1- if you could be any superhero, who would it be?
2- what does your dream love look like?
3- A relationship you had in the past, do you think it could have been better if you had done things differently?
4- do you live by the day, or plan everything 7 steps ahead?
5- what is your favorite academic subject?
1- if you could be any superhero, who would it be? - Robin
2- what does your dream love look like? - hand-some and beautiful
3- A relationship you had in the past, do you think it could have been better if you had done things differently? - idk. the relationship i had was never romantic but i did weep over her leaving.
4- do you live by the day, or plan everything 7 steps ahead? - i never plan my life
5- what is your favorite academic subject? - chemistry but it doesn't love me back
1. if you could take two steps behind your major decisions in life, where would you be?
2. have you decided long ago to have children?
3. is there nothing that could change your love for your favorite movie?
4. do you believe that nice guys finish last?
5. do you worry your life away?
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I'm a : Single Gay Man
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thawoods Wrote:~
1. if you could take two steps behind your major decisions in life, where would you be?
2. have you decided long ago to have children?
3. is there nothing that could change your love for your favorite movie?
4. do you believe that nice guys finish last?
5. do you worry your life away?
1.- Partnered, out and mentally healthy.
2.- No I still have a long way to even begin cosidering that. And to be honest kids today do not give me a good opinion about them.
3.- Of course not. The Shining will forever be masterful.
4.- Most definitely. The world is worried with circumventing laws, rules, moral, anything, to get ahead. If you play nice you don't get anything.
5.- Constantly. Always been like that.
1.- How many Km (yes, we are using metric, deal with it) are there aprox. between your residence and your workplace?
2.- Do you bend the rules to make them work in your favor?
3.- Do you fear death?
4- What was your last major illness?
5.- How long and what elements it took to heal said illness?
1.- How many Km (yes, we are using metric, deal with it) are there aprox. between your residence and your workplace?
1.9 to one of my jobs, about 23 to another, about 13 to the other.
2.- Do you bend the rules to make them work in your favor?
Maybe a little bit. But I tend to respect rules if I understand why they are there.
3.- Do you fear death?
4- What was your last major illness?
Major illness... I don't think I've had a major illness since I was a kid.
5.- How long and what elements it took to heal said illness?
It took a surgery and an implant. I dont really know how long it took to heal. Its something I still have to be aware of today.
1. What is an obscure country in the world that you think some people probably have never heard of?
2. What is the closest body of water to where you live?
3. What is the most beautiful geographical feature in your opinion?
4. What are three words you would use to describe the ocean?
5. Which of the 7 continents would you most want to explore, and why?
[MENTION=23097]Insertnamehere[/MENTION]'s questions, cuz I missed my shot on answering them and Emiliano beat me to it.
1. All of my jobs are within 50 km of my home.
2. No. I find that to be dishonest. If the rules don't work in my favor, I may not obey them at all, but it's doubtful I'm going to try to "bend" them to make them work for me, even if I'm the one in charge.
3. No. I have spent the majority of my life since puberty dealing with sucidal urges, and my thoughts of death run along the lines of... Peace. Relief. Release. A few years ago I died briefly (before being revived by paramedics) on my kitchen floor after a home invasion. It was -exactly- what I had always anticipated it would be.
4. Illness? Testicular cancer.
5. I was diagnosed in October of 2014. I went through chemotherapy in January thru March of 2015. I had an retroperitoneal lymph node dissection at the end of May 2015, and have been tested every 2 months since then with clean results. It took until mid-August to start feeling somewhat "back to normal" after the surgery.
[MENTION=21558]Emiliano[/MENTION]'s Questions
1. Wallis and Futuna (Sold some jewelry to a customer there this year, or I wouldn't have a clue it existed either.)
2. Elliot Bay
3. Rainforests.... is that a geographical feature? Mountains. *LOL*
4. Vast. Mysterious. Open.
5. Australia... because things seem (at least from my perspective) to be very different there than here. The wildlife, etc is very unique to there.
1. What is, in your opinion, the best gift you have ever given someone?
2. Do you consider omission to be lying?
3. Do you make enough to squirrel away some money for the future? Or are you living paycheck to paycheck?
4. Do you cook? If so, what is your specialty?
5. How many times do you jerk off in a day (or week if you don't do so daily)?
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I'm a : Gay Man in a Monogamous Gay Relationship
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1. Hmm..well I am notoriously a bad gift giver. Me and my sister have been collecting vinyl for some time but she never had anything to play it on so I got her a Technics turntable for Christmas... That one is up there in the ranks... I don't do scrap booking and things that have that kind of impact... Although I did take and process a lot of my sister's wedding photos.
2. Omission - That all depends on what was being left out, let's just go with yes because it changes what the truth "is."
3. Right now, due to my stupidity in buying myself things I do not need (sports car, surround sound setup) yes, been pretty tight.
4. I do cook. I seem to do steak and fish pretty good on the grill...like talking fillet mingnon and mahi mahi that type thing. I can do stir fry...haven't really tried a whole lot else.
5. Usually once..here lately for unknown reasons seems to be less.
1. When did you first know your partner loved you?
2. Do you drive over the speed limit?
3. If someone you cared about was being harrassed/bullied/etc how would you handle this?
4. What is your least favorite type of music?
5. Do you think computers will turn on the human race?
"I’m not expecting to grow flowers in a desert, but I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime"
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Insertnamehere Wrote:I could use my entire family getting in on this, instead of asking me everything (and then ignoring what I said anyway)
it is my opinion that that book should belong on the bookshelf in every household. it is an inevitability that all of us use drugs at multiple times during our lifetime, and people should educate themselves on the matter. not only to make it easier to comprehend whatever your particular case may be, but also, because you will become knowledgeable of the alternatives open to you and will be better prepared to discuss your treatment with your doctor.
of course, people can also misuse information if they don't adequately comprehend it, but that's a risk with pretty much everything.
''Do I look civilized to you?''
1. I sat here trying to figure this out for a while, and I'm not really sure. The realization and acceptance just kind of all snuck up on me over time.
2. Almost always.
3. Shield and/or protect them if possible. Possibly also confront their aggressor, depending on the situation.
4. Country Western
5. I think that -technology- will eventually overtake the human race. I'm not sure if "turn on" is the right turn of phrase for it, as it indicates a maliciousness that I don't think would be involved.
I believe that science far too often weighs the "if we could vs if we should" argument far too easily on the side of "we can and are going to"; rather than appreciating a healthy respect and caution that -should- be inherent in taking steps in a direction that could very easily end up leading to mass extinction of the human race.
1. Are you of the mind that you (and/or others) can make meaningful connections (friendship/relationship type of connections) via modern technology such as the internet? Why or why not?
2. What time do you go to bed on average?
3. What time do you wake up in the morning, on average?
4. I struggled in school at math. What subject/s did you struggle with?
5. Have you ever traveled outside your own country? If so, where did you go? If not, do you have somewhere you -want- to visit?
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I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
Starsign:  Virgo
1. Are you of the mind that you (and/or others) can make meaningful connections (friendship/relationship type of connections) via modern technology such as the internet? Why or why not?
Yeah, I think it's possible. Though people can sometimes be a little different in person.
But then I've only met one person that I first met on the internet, so...
2. What time do you go to bed on average?
I'm not too good at sleeping at regular times...
3. What time do you wake up in the morning, on average?
See above.
4. I struggled in school at math. What subject/s did you struggle with?
My final grade suggests that I struggled with everything but maths and science(Well, biology and chemistry anyway).
Though personally, English was the only subject that I actually felt that no matter how much I tried, I just couldn't improve.
5. Have you ever traveled outside your own country? If so, where did you go? If not, do you have somewhere you -want- to visit?
Portugal when I was...10?
Meh, too hot, didn't visit anywhere interesting(a cork factory), really just stuck to the tourist-y areas.
Also, Disney World Florida when I was 12; was pretty cool.
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
1. Are you of the mind that you (and/or others) can make meaningful connections (friendship/relationship type of connections) via modern technology such as the internet? Why or why not?
I have seen technology used to help people with physical and developmental disabilities connect with others and create bonds. And of course I think it can be very meaningful for people who don't fit in with their society in general to be able to reach out across the world and find people who are like them to build a community with.
I think when some people put down the use of technology in our world today they don't think about the people like that who can really benefit from it. For me, I think if I take it for what it is, I can have meaningful connections. I'm aware there's are people on the other end with emotions and ideas and that means something to me. Yeah not everyone is truthful on the Internet, but not everyone is truthful face to face either.
2. What time do you go to bed on average?
Between 11pm and 1am
3. What time do you wake up in the morning, on average?
Between 6am and 7am.
4. I struggled in school at math. What subject/s did you struggle with?
I think math was also my toughest subject. As an adult I think I view it differently and wish I'd had that perspective when I was in school - but I think I was kind of peer pressured to not be into math. And I also don't think the math teachers I had were super engaging or interested in reaching the kids who weren't already excited by math.
I think stem subjects now are super important, especially for inner city kids, and I like the ways I've seen them sort of packaged now - to take those subjects out of worksheets and apply them to real life, teaching them with hands on activities. I think if I'd had that sort of exposure to math, I'd have put more interest into math and probably been much more successful with it.
5. Have you ever traveled outside your own country? If so, where did you go? If not, do you have somewhere you -want- to visit?
I've barely travelled outside of my city, I've never been off the east coast even. I'd like to travel to the Philippines and to Haiti first of all. I'd also like to go to Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar... That region of the world. Papua New Guinea. I mean really I'd like to see most places in the world.
If you could instantly rid all people of one behavior, what behavior would you remove?
If you were to describe your personality with a color, which color would it be and why?
What are three words you would use to describe humanity as a whole?
What is an under appreciated part/place/aspect of your city/town/region?
Looking back on your childhood, what was one of the most awkward conversations you had with your parents / person who raised you / teacher?