1.- Can you shoot an arrow and hit a mark? I'm the worst at shooting ..
2.- Can you defend yourself against an assault? Sure, but depends on what kind of assault we're talking here
3.- Have you been a victim of the circumstances? Sure have
4.- Can you teach what you know? Or do you not have that skill in you? I think I can convey my knowledge and ideas to the learner
5.- First thought upon waking up this morning? Oooh, I gotta play that cool video game I downloaded
Last thought before going to bed..
First crush story.
Ever been an asshole? What's the reason?
Your GPA at school? ..
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verysimple Wrote:Last thought before going to bed..
First crush story.
Ever been an asshole? What's the reason?
Your GPA at school? ..
1.- Please, let me wake up in time.
2.- It was a guy at school when I was 13. Pretty eyes, handsome face, very nice guy. But yeah...he was straight lol and I was and remain a closet case. He was the first hardcore confirmation about my sexuality though. No way around that, once I noticed my heart skipping a beat whenever I saw him.
3.- I don't think I have any. Not on the level of some other people here lol. I do have a weird attraction to male hands and I imagine interlocking fingers, toiching them gently, whenever I see a good pair...even though they're strangers.
4.- Oh I am 24/7...well, not here...too many reasons to tell, but overall the structure is the same. I am "not normal" and people don't take that well, cause everyone is always eager to "equalize" or "standarize" you if you don't have the "common" behaviors.
5.- 6,5 out of 7,0 in Basic school, 6,7 out of 7.0 in High School, 5,8 out of 7,0 in college.
1.- What is your aproximate latitude?
2.- Do you have any kind of ilness or ailment that is genetically inherited?
3.- How much time do you spend planning and how much executing?
4.- Can you shoot a gun or use any other kind of weapon?
5.- How fluctuant have your overall emotions have been these past 4 weeks?
verysimple Wrote:Last thought before going to bed..
First crush story.
Ever been an asshole? What's the reason?
Your GPA at school? ..
1. Usually something around "oh god yeah" as my muscles begin to relax and release tension.
2. *Considers.* To be entirely honest? I don't remember. I don't really do the whole "crush" thing.
3. Dominance/submission. Violence. Asphyxiation. Sometimes sadism/masochism if I'm in the right mood.
4. Yeah. It usually has to do with someone being an asshole to me and, in turn, my reaching my tolerance for that behavior. It takes a while (usually) to get me there, but once there I'm usually all about telling them about themselves in very clear, brutally honest observations.
5. I've been a solid 3.4 on a 4.0 scale for my entire life.
Insertnamehere Wrote:1.- What is your aproximate latitude?
2.- Do you have any kind of ilness or ailment that is genetically inherited?
3.- How much time do you spend planning and how much executing?
4.- Can you shoot a gun or use any other kind of weapon?
5.- How fluctuant have your overall emotions have been these past 4 weeks?
1. 47.6097° N
2. Not yet, at least not that I know of.
3. That's hard to say since I have a habit of beginning my execution while the plan is still developing.
4. An ice pick is my preferred weapon of choice. I'm sure, in a pinch, I could figure out how to shoot a gun although, how accurate I'd be is up for grabs.
5. Very. The holiday season is an extremely stressful time of year for me.
Aside from working my other four jobs (although I do cut back during this time of year on those) my jewelry business goes through a massive influx of orders starting in mid-November.
The closer you get to Christmas, the less sleep I get and the less time I have for anything other than working on filling those orders. The stress causes me to become a bit more volatile than normal and I end up going through miniature highs and lows, with a lot of sharp left turns into momentary extreme irritation.
That stress is compounded this year by a lot of financial difficulties and stress caused by having had to take so much time off over the course of 2015 due to illness.
1. What did you want to be when you were in your youth? Did you follow that dream, or are you now doing something else?
2. Do you bite your fingernails?
3. Do you wrap the gifts you give to others, or pay someone else to do it for you?
4. Would you consider your home to be well lit?
5. Do you recycle? If so, what? If not, why not?
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I'm a : Gay Man in a Monogamous Gay Relationship
Starsign:  Virgo
12-24-2015, 01:30 AM
(Edited 12-24-2015, 01:39 AM by Cridders88.)
Insertnamehere Wrote:1.- What is your aproximate latitude?
2.- Do you have any kind of ilness or ailment that is genetically inherited?
3.- How much time do you spend planning and how much executing?
4.- Can you shoot a gun or use any other kind of weapon?
5.- How fluctuant have your overall emotions have been these past 4 weeks?
1. 51 degrees N.
2. No.
3. I have to plan everything. Grocery shopping a big one, I am in and out with a week's shop in about 15 minutes, because I planned exactly what I want beforehand. I plan what I need to get done in the day, plans for socialising etc etc. It means that time executing is considerably less than if I had not planned what I am doing at all.
4. I have never used a gun. As my hand-eye co-ordination is pretty piss poor, I doubt I will be any good at it. And anyone can use a knife, right?
5. Up and down, wildly. They quite often are, so to me, this is normal.
1. Have you ever gotten into a fight (not necessarily your own fault)?
2. Have you ever pulled an all nighter getting a project done for work/school/college/uni that was due in the next day?
3. Would you ever visit a nudist beach?
4. Describe a typical working day.
5. Describe your commute to work. How far away is your workplace? What modes of transport do you take to get there, and for how long are you travelling?
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I'm a : Gay Man in a Monogamous Gay Relationship
Starsign:  Virgo
TwisttheLeaf Wrote:1. What did you want to be when you were in your youth? Did you follow that dream, or are you now doing something else?
2. Do you bite your fingernails?
3. Do you wrap the gifts you give to others, or pay someone else to do it for you?
4. Would you consider your home to be well lit?
5. Do you recycle? If so, what? If not, why not?
1. I wanted to be a meteorologist. Unfortunately, I was not good enough at either maths or physics to even get as far as degree level. So I am doing something else instead. Meteorology is my passion though. Particularly tropical meteorology.
2. Nope.
3. I wrap them, somewhat poorly. But I do wrap them myself.
4. Yeah, there are lights everywhere. It's a brand new flat/apartment, and they have put a lot of lights in for such a small place!
5. We do. We recycle plastic, glass, tins, bottles etc etc. There is a council recycling collection every week so there is no excuse not to really.
My questions above ^^
Posts: 12,280
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I'm a : Single Gay Man
Starsign:  Libra
12-24-2015, 02:48 AM
(Edited 12-24-2015, 02:55 AM by Insertnamehere.)
Cridders88 Wrote:1. Have you ever gotten into a fight (not necessarily your own fault)?
2. Have you ever pulled an all nighter getting a project done for work/school/college/uni that was due in the next day?
3. Would you ever visit a nudist beach?
4. Describe a typical working day.
5. Describe your commute to work. How far away is your workplace? What modes of transport do you take to get there, and for how long are you travelling?
1.- Yes, a few times. One was even planned out between me and the other guy!
2.- 3 times maybe. 1 for High School, 2 for college.
3.- When I get a better body lol, maybe.
4.- Wake up, brush teeth, wash face, clean other...parts (I shower the night before), get dressed, use the toilet, grab my stuff leave at 7:00, commute, arrive a 8:15-8:20 or so, leave my stuff at the "office" get my lab coat, do an insane amout or little, who knows, of shit that involves 2 buildings, a 4th floor lots of running around, 3 specialized equipments, etc. I do lunch maybe at 14:00, can be earlier. Keep on doing my running around and getting things done, products sinthezised, assays performed, analysis reports done, etc. I leave in the 18:10 or 19:00 then home.
5.- I have to take 2 transports, the 7:11 train on a station about 10 min from home, get down 5 stations and 25 min later, take the 7:45 shuttle to the college (yes college has shuttle service  ) The first trip on train gets me through the coast line and the shuttle, later gets me up up up from the sea level to the highway towards Santiago, a winding road on the hills, around eucalyptus forests, the campus is at a few hundred meters above sea lavel, a few minutes on the side of the highway. Overall, 1,5 hours of commuting.
1.- Which chemical element suits your personality better?
2.- If you combine your personality with that of your closest friend, what kind of hybrid person would result?
3.- What is your most perfected skill?
4.- Have you found this Holiday season stressful or mild?
5.- Would you go on a Black Friday solely to tape the fights?
1.- Which chemical element suits your personality better?
I'm going to go with Carbon. I think I try to make myself useful in a lot of ways. I can be really soft like graphite but I can also be a hard ass like diamonds. I consider myself a versatile but stable person. And I think I work well with other people, and carbon bonds well.
2.- If you combine your personality with that of your closest friend, what kind of hybrid person would result?
There'd be some conflicting traits for sure, but I'd like to think it would make a good combo. Especially if it only took our best traits it would be funny, helpful, kind, smart, stylish, reliable, adventurous.
3.- What is your most perfected skill?
I think I have pretty refined communication skills - verbal and non verbal.
4.- Have you found this Holiday season stressful or mild?
I haven't felt good physically lately. But other than that i haven't really been tuned in to the holiday stuff this year, I didn't go to any holiday parties, didn't stress about gifts or anything. My Christmas is just hanging with my family, my New Years will be a trip to DC with a friend. It's pretty low key, I'm not stressed about the holidays.
5.- Would you go on a Black Friday solely to tape the fights?
No, I prefer to spend that day in bed.
1 How is your health at the moment?
2 What is your biggest responsibility right now?
3 If you had to draw the line between childhood and adulthood, at what point in your life do you think you crossed that line?
4 If you were forced to be the leader of your country, what's one thing you'd change?
5 The earth is dying and you are put in charge of a mission to go to an earth like planet and rebuild society. You can bring ten people with you - which professions / types of experts would you bring? (As in like a doctor, an anthropologist, an expert in plant biology, a musician, and so on...)
1 How is your health at the moment? I'm pretty Good, Mentally and physically
2 What is your biggest responsibility right now? School, Grades and my escape plan
3 If you had to draw the line between childhood and adulthood, at what point in your life do you think you crossed that line? Idk
4 If you were forced to be the leader of your country, what's one thing you'd change? Oh God, That's one thing I'd never want to do in my life but one thing I'd change is the mentality of the country's ppl.. Make programs to have ppl go abroad where they can work and study both together so that they struggle, know what it's like to work for your life and open their minds to other things than the superficial shit they get involved in ..
5 The earth is dying and you are put in charge of a mission to go to an earth like planet and rebuild society. You can bring ten people with you - which professions / types of experts would you bring? (As in like a doctor, an anthropologist, an expert in plant biology, a musician, and so on...)
Hmm, Well I'd go with a special surgeon, Astrologist, space scientist, Expert in plant biology, nutritionist, singer, pop dancer, Religion professor, Translator and Lawyer
1- U dance ?
2- What's your favorite meal?
3- It's a zombie apocalypse and the things to your left and right are your weapons wht r they?
4- What r ur views on donald trump ?
5- U believe in God? If not, what do u believe in and not believe in?
1- U dance ?
I do dance. I think Im a pretty good dancer.
2- What's your favorite meal?
Thats really hard to answer. Right now my favorite meal is xiaolongba, mapo tofu, with pork and bok choy wonton soup. Theres a good soup dumpling place by my job and I go there all the time for food. But my favorite meal changes a lot.
3- It's a zombie apocalypse and the things to your left and right are your weapons wht r they?
Shit  ..... A mug and a book.
4- What r ur views on donald trump ?
Im not a fan. But far worse than him are the people who would seriously vote for him.
5- U believe in God? If not, what do u believe in and not believe in?
I dont. I believe in life, earth, and humanity.
1. What is your favorite ancient civilization to learn about?
2. Tell me something interesting about any of your grandparents..?
3. What two types of ancient / historical warriors would you want to see battle eachother?
4. Does your town/city have any bridges? Post a picture of your favorite one.
5. What is your favorite traditional food of your region or ethnicity or culture or country?