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Time... it will not wait.
DtotheJtotheM Wrote:I just don't like the way that science thinks that it's figured everything out xP *runs away with non-scientific convictions* LOL ^^

Clap Clap Clap


in my eyes time is the essance and also the greatest healer

DtotheJtotheM Wrote:yeah, sort of, meh, I just don't like the way that science thinks that it's figured everything out xP *runs away with non-scientific convictions* LOL ^^
Actually, most scientists I have met seem quite ready to accept that science has certainly not figured everything out. They come to probable conclusions based on the evidence available at the time. Just when you think it's all straightforward up jumps a new way of looking at the world, such as quantum physics, to remind you that very little is straightforward.

You know what I'm going to say next though ... the only people (apart from hospital consultants and MPs) I have met who do know ALL the answers usually have a bible fairly close to hand.

DtotheJtotheM Wrote:That's what I mean though, I probably should have explained it better xP our methods of measuring time are essentially futile, are they not? the idea of time that we ourselves have created is completely different to the rest of the universe, there cannot be a absolution of time, venus time is different to earth time, and so on... xP the invention of time passing by such as seconds and hours are not ours to set unless we use it like we have to structure society. There are patterns yes, but they were there first before we considered; "The earth spins one turn in 24 hours", what if society had turned out different, and hours were infact 120 mins as opposed to 60? It does not matter what time-labels we put on things, we do it just to help our understanding of things, everything exists and eventually breaks down, but our sense of time cannot govern it because it has to happen before we can set a time to it. A person could be given 6 months to live, but die from the same cause in 5 months instead, we cannot be sure, so we put an estimation on things, the generalisation and estimation stems from real things, but they are not necessarily absolutions...

...went on a bit of a tangent there xP it's possible that nothing i said there made actual sense xD

Does make sense, at least to me in fact i was impressed because i was waiting for someone to say it. lol Is this response instinctively given or came after some research?

I agree. Time is an illusion or at least not an absolute compared to the non physical dimension and non earthy situations.
If someone would agree with the possibility that there is more to our existence as we know it and earth is not the centre universe only part of it then will have to consider that laws valid for our planet can easily be irrelevant in other situations physical or not.

Theories change and new ones come into the surface and always seems absurd. Science though is progressing and scientists even if they are a few follow Einstein brilliant example to think the unthinkable and surprise us .The wheel is discovered long time ago so the did the fire ...time to move forward. In fact Physicists claim time can be broken and there is a research going on in a university in USA(forgive me i dont remember which state , uni or the professors name) to prove this further and hold on now ...... invent the time machine. I bet they will manage to do so.

Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock....

ah, time marches one, ever persistant.

At least the last year seems to have been eventful with a few changes in my life. Coming out to my mother, steadily working, being around friends and improving my outlook on life. It certainly has be a year to remember. Hopefully the remaining months will continue to provide new memories and things progress towards some feeling of happiness and contentment.

The flow of time is always cruel... its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it... A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days... ~ Sheik (LoZ -OoT)

I just can't wait till 2009 is over but that means I"m going to get a year older. But this year has been terrible for me. I've lost 3 close people to me. It seems like everyone is dying left and right. I got fired from my job too, it's like I'm on a long vacation lol.

I realy want to say something in this thread but I'm feeling so down right now it would just be misrable drivel.
Maybe another time.......
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so

DtotheJtotheM Wrote:yeah, sort of, meh, I just don't like the way that science thinks that it's figured everything out xP *runs away with non-scientific convictions* LOL ^^
The whole point of science is that we havent figured everything out and no good scientist pretends that we have. But that's another thing!

Im 18 and it seems Im too young to think about such things but it seems Ive wasted alot of time and opportunities that I won't get again and everything seems pretty fluid and easily lost. I mean Im only 18 so it shouldnt feel like Im running out of time too pressingly but it does, which Iguess it is but eh. That's life I suppose.

Also that clock is neat.


yes, yes, I am somewhat obsessed with time. The video clip is snippet of one of the many monologues from the tv-movie Wit, and the lovely voice is Emma Thompson.

Anyway, I was thinking how I kind of vanished from GS for nearly a whole YEAR and I was wondering what had happened. It really didn't feel that long, but time does go by quickly, and this year has certainly gone by fast. Thinking even further, I've been a part of this site for just over 3 years, and its amazing how people have come and gone in that time. So much has happened in 3 years, yet it feels I haven't gone anywhere or done anything of great significance. Okay, yes I have begun the coming out process, and yes I have been promoted and have a somewhat well paying job now, but in the grand scheme, my life really has not advanced towards a sense of joy. Hmm... how much more time must I waste before I find some semblance of satisfaction with this life?

Perhaps its fear, or rather caution, that prevents me from searching for the answer. I may not want to give up what I have, but the question is am I truly happy with what I have... the answer is no. But how can I give up the life I have made so far to find something else that also may not bring happiness? This is the cycle I find myself in, and time escapes as I pass through the loop each day and each year... surely the cycle will end and I will grasp the world I so long for.

Philosophical rantings at its finest.

there are two pieces of advice i can give if you do not mind me giving them read my signature line both of them seem to apply here. Best of luck to you

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