07-09-2014, 06:06 AM
So I came to the conclusion that I will be alone for the rest of my 20's and maybe 30's , first of all I have the fact that I look straight working against me and my town sucks when it comes to gay bars , they seem to cater to only gay men and not lesbians , plus when you go in there it's just straight women in there and hardly any lesbians , so I'm just sick of it all , I'm planning on going to the gay bar again but I won't be flirting or approaching any women there because I know I'll get scared straight women that think i'm some damn monster that just said hi to them . Plus it's just nice to be around other gay people for once but I'll just probably keep myself busy if I don't meet anyone which will probably happen . seems like coming out has made me feel worse than any better my parents still don't know I'm a lesbian but so far I've got my friend who can't accept me and I'm lonely as hell so great that's all coming out has gotten me and my stupid town doesn't even have a lesbian bar yet my friends say Oh Connecticut is so great for lgbt seen, my ass not if your a lesbian . So I'm just going to make friends with some of the gay guys there and not care about anything else or even hope to meet another woman in there I'm just so sick of it all and if you meet another woman in there and she finds out your not experience she judges you and thinks your no good because you have not dated other women so why the hell should I even bother when I'm going to get judged for being a newbie . Plus if you meet a girl and God for bid you want something serious and not play the I want to experiment with a chick game I guess your deemed un dateable so I guess things suck I'll just be drinking my milk and not give a damn anymore .
then you hear how much lesbians love femme or lipstick lesbians yet when your face with one you judge her because she's not butch enough for you just sick of this bull crap and i'm not changing the way I dress for anyone .
cheers to the lonely lesbian
because I'm too feminine for women to believe I'm a lesbian
so cheers to a lonely damn 20's .
I'm starting to think about going back to dating men because I can't take being this lonely anymore even though I'm not attracted to men or want anything to do with them but I could just use some company with no sex of course I'm not sleeping with them I'll just make some excuse that I'm waiting til marriage I'm just sick of this crap . I'm not sure if I'll date men at all I really don't want to but it just crossed my mind seems like the only time you ever meet chicks when your a lesbian yourself is when there is some man in the picture then they all start coming out of the woodwork some how .

cheers to the lonely lesbian
because I'm too feminine for women to believe I'm a lesbian
so cheers to a lonely damn 20's .
I'm starting to think about going back to dating men because I can't take being this lonely anymore even though I'm not attracted to men or want anything to do with them but I could just use some company with no sex of course I'm not sleeping with them I'll just make some excuse that I'm waiting til marriage I'm just sick of this crap . I'm not sure if I'll date men at all I really don't want to but it just crossed my mind seems like the only time you ever meet chicks when your a lesbian yourself is when there is some man in the picture then they all start coming out of the woodwork some how .