Twisttheleaf, I'm sorry guy but this whole post is a bunch of B.S.
SERIOUSLY, does anyone on this forum really think that there is a Magical pill, or even brain surgery to remove the gayness.
Am i the only DRUNKEN sane person here.
^I don't doubt there are crazy homophobic people who would pull some really nut job moves and I agree, help those who really need it.
But the OP's incoherent stories, the details and specifics of them, are inconsistent, wildly imaginative and make no sense,
If his age is to be believed, he's an adult first of all and he is free to make his own choices.
And if his mother loves him unconditionally as he has explained and is just having a hard time accepting him being gay, why would she be forcing him to see a therapist to cure him and now forcing him to go to a doctor for a gay vaccine...?
It's all so utterly bizarre and absurd. If he is underage, and if any of this crap is true the therapist and doctor have an obligation to report the mother for child abuse, if he is over 18, the therapist and doctor should be more concerned with his mother's mental and physical health.
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I know the post is very likely BS. Doesn't matter. Far more people lurk in forums than post. We can still use it as an opportunity to express views and opinions.
All I have to say is homosexuality cannot be cured because there is nothing to cure in the first place.No such thing as a vaccine.
DONT take the vaccine, at least not till you know exactly what it contains and how it exactly works... What if all it does is stop your responding, you know like an opposite of viagra, your letting your parents pur you in a risk like that... Speak to your mum about it
This is really messed up.
How is it that in this day and age anyone with a modicum of intelligence could believe that homosexuality is something which can or even needs to be cured? Yes I know that there are a lot of ignorant people out there more than even I can imagine, not least of whom are well educated but still ignorant but even so I find this whole thing really bizarre and I wouldn't trust anyone who said they could 'cure' me, although surely the fact that the OP is talking about a vaccine is a giveaway as to the lack of credibility of this post, even if I were to believe there was a gay vaccine, which I don't because it's utter bs, that wouldn't 'cure' homosexuality anyway if it had already 'manifested' (for lack of a better description) itself in a person because a vaccine, as previously stated, isn't a cure it's a preventative measure. So umm yeah - what the heck is going on with this?