Original message.......
Posted by nose-picker
#1. How old are you?
#2. How old is this guy?
#3. Did you meet him thru social media or other internet source?
Dancer Wrote:w
We're the same age, and no we met through a dance class.. Stop worrying dad. Lol, It's not rape if you like it anyways.. Right? :tongue:
well that explains *e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g*.... [/COLOR]
I will not pick him up by his neck.. I will not pick him up by his neck.. I will not pick him up by his neck.. I will not pick him up by his neck.. I will not pick him up by his neck.. I will not pick him up by his neck..)
So if you won't answer age questions you must be ashamed of being.....
15-16 living at home with mom, (no car makes sense now) No drivers license yet?
That explains you and him making out and kuddling but not getting your freak on.
You're too young to have any freak to get on yet.
Dancer... I'm not picking on you. I'm trying to help...
Little buddy... welcome to Teen Crush Hell....
All of us have been through it and you're going to have to do it to. There's not shit we can do to help you but pat you on the back and tell you it's gonna be okay.
Now go outside and play with the boys and try to keep your hands out of their pockets.
And remember if you need to talk to in GS about your silly teen shit I'll beat up anyone who makes fun of you for doing it.... before I do... hehehehehehehehe.
And you are not in a Long distance relationship yet. You're just having an proximity challenging crush. Five years or MANogamy spanning 8,300 miles and 16 times zones is a long distance relationship.