Don't think it's a good idea for you to come with them. These guys are not your friends, there are a huge age difference between you and them. The fact that you're in relationship with 17 years old guy doesn't mean you'll be comfortable with his 17 year olds friends.
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It sounds to me like you're uncomfortable with the age difference in public. One on one it's fine, but justifying it among peers makes you cringe. If you go, you feel like you'll be viewed as the parent/chaperone/stick in the mud authority figure babysitter, and/or the creepy guy whose dating a 17 year old.
Your boyfriend is offering you to go with him and his friends for free... I understand that you wouldn't feel good about going for free just like that, but it's an opportunity, go for it! And speak to your boyfriend, tell im how your expecting them all to be in party mad mode while youll be carryin them home, explain to him why you havent said yes yet, he might end up convincing you to go (which you should!)
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I think if you go and let them be them and you be you, everyone will have a great time. Just don't put yourself in the situation of being the chaperone, designated non-drinker, etc.
While you need to spend a lot of your time with the group, you can also step out from time to time and do your own thing for a few hours, joining back up with the group later. You can suggest activities that you want to do and invite the others along. That way they feel included and you can bring them along or not depending on if they want to come with you.
What would you like to do or see in Spain? Maybe you can propose some stuff ahead of time and gauge the group now.
A gracious gift and a thank you note to the people who are footing the bill would be appropriate.
Evan.... if you don't want to go, I'll volunteer to do it for you....
Well Evan, nice to see that you're still with him. If you do recall you wrote asking for advice few months ago regarding going out with him when he was 16 going on 17, and now he'll be 18 soon so this mean your relationship has hit a year already, congratulation dude.
Now to the subject. Spain is a beautiful country, lot of thing to see, and lot of things to do. Because I lived in France for three years, I went to Spain a dozen of times and each and everytime it was magical. So yes, do go with him, you won't regret it.
As for the young getting hammered because they'll be all by themselves, well your presence may calm them a little, and beside they'll need you in one way or another and YOU will have a heck of a time with your boyfriend.
Be egocentrical on that one, don't worry about the others (they will learn) but you and your Boyfriend will have a very great time. I am 10 years older than my husband, and I did travel with him to many other countries in the first years and I do not regret it. The proof, 9 years later we are still together and married I might add.
By the way Spain is recognized to be one of the country with the hottest gay dudes on the surface of the earth, you really want your boyfriend to go alone with all those hotties? This is Europe my friend, not prudistic America lol.
I say tell your boyfriend when in Spain, you guys can suck or fuck any guy in the country, and make the whole trip entirely focused on cock. Cockapalooza! Tell him whoever takes the most cock while in Spain gets to pick everything when you guys register to get married. Just go cock-crazy and I'm sure all will be fine.
Yeah go! Spain is awesome.