Thanks for your kind words CCRox
Yup you are right. I'm feeling lonely and looking for a companion. I'm having this feeling for about 5 to 6 years aready. Hopefully, it will come to an end soon.
I'm a noob in dating. I have never went on a proper date before. I have mentioned in the post that I have
tried dating 2 guys before. I planned to meet the first guy in the cinema to catch a movie. I waited and waited there for about 3 hrs and msged him but he didn't reply. In the end, he msged saying that he was not interested in dating me. As for the 2nd guy, he msged me a day prior to the first date saying that I'm not up to his expectations in terms of looks.
To me, I'm dating becos I want to find my soulmate whom I can share my life with. (Long-term relationship)
- someone whom I can shower my love upon him
I would love to cook meals for him. I have started to learn to cook dishes from other cuisines becos I only know how to cook Indian dishes until now.
Someone whom I can button his shirt up when he gets ready for work in the morning... (Sorry, I'm getting too emotional here.)
Cultural issues:
-Theres nth much i think.
I'm a vegetarian but I dun mind cooking meat dishes for him if he's non-vegetarian.

Also, I perform a small prayer everyday ( I'm the same person who started the thread 'Am I too religious' recently.) and he must be accepting of my practice.
Other than that, I think its all fine.
Thnks again CCrox, you made me feel better