lauj Wrote:So I started going back to the gym with a buddy of mine. He is into body building and stuff. So I tell him I just want to lose some weight and be toned a little. to be honest I don't think he listens that well. He tells me to do this push, pull, leg, workout. In my opinion, I don't think they are for losing weight but for gaining muscles. Its like he tells me to do the workouts that will work for him. I'm really dumb when it comes to working out and I usually end up pulling something (not his penis). So maybe i'll do his workout for awhile and see how that works out. This is kind of off subject but I can't really take working out seriously with my friend. Every time he is doing curls and stuff, he grunts so loud its so funny and I'm trying not to laugh.
Weirdly enough, I might be able to help you with this, but I need more details. Example, how tall are you? How much do you weigh? How old are you? Etc.
General principals:
1: Make a distinction in your mind between "loosing weight" and "loosing fat." One can gain weight (muscle) while loosing fat.
2: If your aim is to loose fat, first thing you should know is that 80% of that is diet. If you're eating too much or the wrong things at the wrong time of day, it doesn't matter how much you work out; you will not loose fat.
3: It is true that gaining muscle will help you in a LOT of ways, burning more calories is only one. However, although the adage that gaining muscle helps to burn fat is true, it isn't a 'significant' factor.
4: I strongly encourage young people to get into body building for all kinds of reasons. You'll feel better, look better (sexier)

and generally have more fun in life. (This is my opinion.) "Body building" does not mean becoming an ox; it means maximizing your genetic potential for muscle growth. (Most guys who are oxen do or have used 'juice'.)
5: Some people worry about "getting bulky". Absolutely no need to worry about that at all. It is DAMN HARD to bulk and, unless your genetics are 'just right' (99.99% aren't) you *can not* bulk without a lot of hard work and eating a LOT more than one usually does. I mean like twice as much--AND it all has to be the 'right stuff at the right time'.
6: Getting "toned" or "defined" has more to do with percentage of body fat than it does with muscle development. This is a bit of a gray area but generally speaking we all already *are* more muscular than we know (depends on somatic body type / genetics / athleticism etc.). We don't see it because of the fatty deposits under the skin (subcutaneous) that 'smooth over' what muscle we do have.
7: If you look sort of like this…
and you want to look more like this …
it can be done but it requires a dedicated diet and workout plan followed consistently for (depending on your age and genetics) about 3 years to achieve.
If you want to look more like this:
again, depending on variables, it will take about five years and *super* dedication to diet protocols.