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Sarah Palin claims "I don't judge people on their sexuality but gay is a choice!"
"I am not going to judge Americans and the decisions that they make in their adult personal relationships."

She then stated that one of her "absolute best friends" is a lesbian, and continued:

"She is not my gay friend, she is one of my best friends who happens to have made a choice that isn't a choice that I have made, but I'm not going to judge people."

UM that's a huge step for a Republican to say that ... take it at its worth!
especially with her religious background!

GayComputerDude Wrote:UM that's a huge step for a Republican to say that ... take it at its worth!
especially with her religious background!

[Image: doublethumbs.gif]


you talk a lot of sense


xyalfa Wrote:It's not the same think and you know it...
I'm not always as outspoken as this, but you are wrong. Do a little independent research and a little free thinking.

My homosexuality is every bit as much a choice as her heterosexuality ie it's not. What I decide to do about it is a different matter, but should not need to be anyone else's business.

GayComputerDude Wrote:UM that's a huge step for a Republican to say that ... take it at its worth!
especially with her religious background!

No it's not! She's a politician who wants power. She'll say anything she
she can to ingratiate with the voters. With her religious background, she
will always lack empathy for anyone who doesn't behave like her or believe what she believes.

IanG Wrote:No it's not! She's a politician who wants power. She'll say anything she
she can to ingratiate with the voters. With her religious background, she
will always lack empathy for anyone who doesn't behave like her or believe what she believes.

yes .. you are right ... but she said it .. publicly ... well she tried to anyway .. she choked on it the whole time ... but I can't remember a republican that has said such a thing publicly other than Arnold Schwarenegger

and he's no saint .. but made waves in the republican party

xyalfa Wrote:I like Sarah Palin ,she's young,good-looking,smart and she's not afraid to speak her mind. I too think that being gay it's a choice,and she said she doesn't judge.

xyalfa Wrote:It's not the same think and you know it.Heterosexuality is natural.

Xyalfa as much as I do my best to have respect and time for the thoughts and points of view of everybody I meet, both in my day-to-day life and online (whether I happen to agree with them or not), I do find you like to sail close to the wind, and this time I'm afraid you've ruffled my feathers ...

Who are you (who is anybody) to question the morality of beings that simply are ? Do you REALLY think you're entitled to sit and lambast other people for the way they live their lives ? Because I've just about had enough I have to say, and I find it personally offensive to sit here and listen to you fingerpoint and suggest that homosexuality isn't natural ... or that homosexuality is a choice ... I choose what colour socks I wear in the morning; I choose whether I continue to listen to you; I do not choose who I love or what I find attractive - as Marshlander has very sagely said, I choose what I do about it ... so I would agree that homosexuals AS HETEROSEXUALS have a CHOICE as to whether they practice their sexuality (if you can call it a choice - try asking your average straight guy OR girl to NOT love or to NOT engage in physical intimacy and see if you can get through to them why they should stop), but not whether they are, or are not, homosexual.

What frustrates me most about your standpoint and the glib way in which you pass commend and JUDGMENT on other people is that I have PERSONALLY borne witness more times than I care to recall to people bawling their eyes out at the CRAP they have to go through because they were born gay, sometimes wishing they could change it to avoid receiving ABUSE - and not because they want to be (what YOU call) "normal", but simply because they don't want to be hated or feared or shunned ... and it ABSOLUTELY breaks my heart, so to think that there is somebody sitting there, drumming their fingers on the bible and going "yeah well you're gonna burn in Hell anyway because you've CHOSEN this lifestyle" vexes me beyond the point of anger.

Your very first post on this site said, in part (and I quote) :-

"Till now I've only had relationships with girls but now I think I'm starting to like men also ,so I'm very afraid of turning gay and fell the need to speak with someone"

If you believe that then based on what you're now saying (that homosexuality is a choice) you believe that you yourself are choosing to find men attractive ? And taking into account your apparent distaste for homosexuality I am having real difficulty in working out how you can maintain this standpoint ? Perhaps from your highly religious belief system you feel that you are being tested somehow ?

Ultimately, as Spotysocks says (and I agree) this is not a self-help forum ... so if you think that homosexuality is some kind of curse or disease or illness then you're a) barking up the wrong tree, and b) SORELY mistaken if you think you're going to find some sort of "cure" for it here (or anywhere else for that matter). This site exists to offer a framework within which people of like mind can share their tales, experiences, and get to know each other better as friends, so by all means, stick around and talk to us if that's what you want, but remain respectful and mindful of your tongue - you've already been warned by Spotysocks, who has (I feel) shown you great patience thusfar - and for my part I'm far from being an ogre, but I won't stand for you berating people or branding homosexuality as some great evil when it simply exists, and simply is ... and all the great massive of gay people out there want is to lead happy, peaceful lives side-by-side with everybody else that shares this planet.

If you feel otherwise then that is your opinion and you are perfectly entitled to it ... and I don't even mind you VOICING that opinion, as long as you do so in a manner that is polite, respectful, and does not openly antagonise or attack us individually or collectively.

So if you want to talk to us about what it's like to be gay, or to LEARN about what it's like to be gay, or to share your views, religious or otherwise, in a respectful and polite and considerate manner (as I feel there IS a lot we could learn from you and your beliefs), then stick around - if, however, all you can think to do is PAN us with ill-conceived and poorly-constructed biblical rhetoric, then I would suggest you look to do so elsewhere, as my patience (which I PRIDE myself on) is seriously close to running out.

!?!?! Shadow !?!?!

... and going back to the original post on this thread, THAT annoys me as well !! Lol2 - I'm turning into a RIGHT old Battleaxe aren't I !?!

How can some (presumably reasonably) rich, white, heterosexual female PRESUME to point her finger at an entire slice of society and say "These people ... yep, these people right here ? They CHOOSE to be that way".

Where does she get off saying that !?! Anybody with an OUNCE of common sense knows that you don't "choose" your sexuality - you "choose" how you deal with it, how you express it, that sort of thing ...

FORTUNATELY I think most people appreciate that no politician (certainly none that I have ever come across in my time) ought to be considered an authority on ANYTHING other than careful word play and having a KEEN sense of picking up on which way the wind is blowing ... and for people to come out with BULLCR@P like this simply reinforces that notion ...

... and what's with the whole cure thing as well ??? We've discussed this at length elsewhere on the boards, and the general view (which I subscribe to) is that any attempt to "cure" homosexuality is likely to result in IRREPARABLE damage to the poor subject, as it ISN'T a disease, NOR a choice - it's hard-coded into who we are.

Honestly these people make me so MAD !!!!!!!! :mad:. The ARROGANCE that they display ... and to think that these MUPPETS are ultimately responsible for decisions that affect the day-to-day lives of our American friends makes me WELL hacked off :mad: :mad: :mad:.

!?!?! Shadow !?!?!

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