To be honest I think to say that marriage
doesn't work is rather skeptical - perhaps I'd agree with saying it doesn't work for
everybody, but that's as far as I'd go ...
So I think that marriage as an arrangement and an institution
is worth fighting for, for hetero- and homosexual couples alike ...
I think there are a number of things which undermine the stability of marriage, such as the relative ease of divorce, and I think that many people don't
fully consider what getting married means, as you hear of people getting married for better tax benefits ... or getting married because it means they can reduce their health insurance contributions or similar (which to me is missing the point entirely) ... added to which of course, the social climate of present day first-world society
tends to be much more forgiving and understanding, so there is far less stigma attached to all sorts of things both good and bad nowadays - homosexuality, single-mothers, divorce, etc., etc., than there has been historically ... and so I think perhaps many people's
views on marriage are becoming less stringent and less formalised ... which is why the institution
of marriage seems to be getting a bit shaky.
My my that was deep of me for a Monday morning !?!
Welcome back by the way GayComputerDude - we missed you

mile: xx.
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!