Plan to save money. Plan to be healthy. Plan to be a good person. Execute those plans religiously. Those three things are about all I've found anyone has any hope of control over, and the last is the only thing you have absolute control over.
As others have said, the rest of life changes too much. It's important to have goals, but be flexible when life throws you shit or opportunity (and often the latter is hidden in the first).
I want 300 Bux to strut my stuff...
I am 40 years old and I am still not sure what the outcome or where I will end up. Four and a half years ago I was working a corp job and I enjoyed the driving part but then got into a fender bender with someone and I lost my job and I was unemployed but I found a link from an uncle who told me about seasonal work and I started to do that and I got a job in South Dakota in the black hills and I fell in love with that type of lifestyle.
Then that winter I got a job at a ski resort in Vermont and I fell in love with skiing and this winter will be my 5th winter and I am loving it as much as when I started. I love the atmosphere and the enviroment and the people that you meet are amazing. When I was home I did all the same boring ass stuff day after day and would go to the bars and have a drink and it was just so lame.
I rarely drink anymore and dable in smoking since it is legal where I am at and it tends to help me chill out a little more than usual. I love where I am at. I worked outside of Yellowstone National Park for a summer. One summer outisde of Yosemite National Park. Then a summer at the Grand Tetons, Mt Rainier and Grand Canyon for a summers as well. I have worked at 4 different ski resorts...Stratton in Vermont, Deer Valley in Utah, Telluride in Colorado and Copper Mountain in Colorado and that is where I am at now.
I am not sure if I will ever settle down and have a corp job again and if I do it will be here in Colorado someplace. I love this way of life and perhaps I am not grown up yet but I have a place to live, friends, a job for the winter and a job in the summer. I have lots of places to hike, bike and do any other recreational activity that I want to do. Some people are consumed by money but I enjoy what I do and I don't make lots of money but I have enough to get the things that I want.
I say enjoy life and do what you want to do and hell with what other people think. Try seasonal work for a summer or a winter and see the country that you live in. Some people never live the city that they live in and that is so boring, go experience the world. Well that is just my two cents.
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Joined: May 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
my future? career wise I'm fine, I have my first Bachelors and the company I'm with will pay for my second and offer many opportunities to advance and make more money. what's really killing me is my social and dating life, I'm not sure if I'll have a future at all with either one and it's driving me crazy. so much b.s. comes with being gay and I'm still not sure how to handle it.