You know, Here in America it was a crime to be gay, and many were arrested, and punished with such interesting things as electroshock therapy (Nothing a few volts to the brain can't fixed - such was the wonders of psychiatric medicine back in the day

It was in the 1960's when there was that one too many arrest made which sparked the American Gay Revolution.... the event it sparked was the
Stonewall Riots. This lead to an ongoing battle between LGBT and the rest of society to slowly take one right after another.
Even back in my youth, losing jobs if you were found out gay was a reality, heck the police would more often than not turn their back if a gay person was bashed or if their partner got abusive.
45 years later we now have states allowing gay marriage, the last of the 'sodomy laws' were over turned the first decade of this century (2003). The military went from a strict 'no gays policy' to a 'don't ask don't tell' policy, which was overturned a couple three years ago and now LGBT can serve in the American Armed Forces without having to hide it.
Yes I know, you have a slightly different problem as in the law is based in Islam... So it may take a bit longer and require a bit more sacrifice and fight than the western "christian" nations went through.
My point is, that sooner or later there is going to be that one catalyst of an event which is going to start 'Gay Spring' in the middle east. It just has to happen. People cannot be oppressed forever.
Perhaps a short history of LGBT in America may enlighten you in how the process works and how a 'short time' can wrought big changes: