Well then I have a warped mind as well.
Whilst I'm not going to say that the government directly orchestrated the hijackings, I find it odd that hijacking rules of engagement that were set in the 1970's to deal with that era of hijackings (which meant having fighter craft flying along side hijacked planes) just stopped working.
Or that the FAA lost 4 planes in a single day and it took them so long to find them. The first one is acceptable, but after one plane flights at high speed into a building someone in the FAA should have been suspicious when the second, third and forth planes decided to stop doing whatever it is airliners are suppose to do - like stop sending their transponder signal.
Conveniently for the government a 'training exercise' was going on which apparently confused the Air force, the FAA, the Federal Government as to what was really happening, after all as the images of the first tower with a huge hole in its side and burning was going, no one was smart enough to call off the training exercise and move those assets back into the real world.
Then the whole 'lets hurry up and send the evidence to India and China and have it melted down.... meaning the scraps of the WTC.
9-11 commission was a fracking joke.
Then the Pentagon hole, prior to the roof collapse - no matter how you size it up a big arse passenger jet with wings and tail could not have fit into the hole.
One such site that covers the Pentagon hole:
Whilst we can forgive the Twin Towers for collapsing, because lets face it they were hit hard in the initial collision, thus undoubtedly weakening the structure, and most likely the blast wave of impact did in fact knock of the fire coating of the steel structure. WTC 7 wasn't hit by any plane, and it wasn't weakened nor had its fire resistant coating removed by a huge jet fuel explosion.
Yet she collapsed rather neatly into her footprint:
Perhaps we live in an era were there are too many filmed demolitions that show a building falling into its own foot print this neatly -after days, weeks of careful planning and set up, thus folk are just skeptical that a natural collapse would be so non-chaotic and so tidy.
It doesn't help that the government treated a CRIMINAL ACT as an act of war. Doesn't help that the government covered up a whole lot of the evidence, hiding it from the public due to 'National Security'.
Not helpful that the
Patriot Acts I and II had a bit longer history than what the Cheney Administration sold it as... Doesn't help that the whole of congress just signed it into law acting in fear without actually reading the damned documents.
When looking at a crime and determining who the perpetrators are, one looks at it from who gains the most.
Did Al Qaeda gain much from 9-11-01? Not really. If anything they ended up losing a lot.
The US government did get spectacular gains from this one event, not only did they get to start a war in Afghanistan, they also used it to finish up destroying the Saddam Regime. They also got a whole new department of more state police which given that crime rates of the early 21st century were already dropping like a stone in the states, the need for more police agencies wasn't there.
BTW, just for the record, crime rates today are at
an all time low. honestly our police do not need military grade weapons for the defense of the streets against criminals, we don't need drones, we don't need automatic weapons, we don't need fracking tanks owned and operated by the police SWAT who are just itching for a good reason to use their new toys.
All of this militarizing of our civilian police force is coming to us because of the events of 9-11-01 and the patriot acts I and II which many aspects of those are still with us and quietly being reinstated year after year to 'protect us' from these Islamic terrorists.
Silverstein made a huge profit from that TWC deal. Granted he is a business man and most likely everything he touches turns to gold... but still the sales of the WTC so soon before 9-11-01, after spending decades as a 'government' operation, then being paid for removing a center which was woefully outdated and so chocked full of toxins that disassemble of those two towers would have cost far much more than anyone could afford - yet clean up of a 'disaster site' was far cheaper.
It is these things that leave people to believe that the conspiracy theory of Hijackers with box-cutters managed to hijack 4 planes in one day, and through some sort of miracle
surpassing their ability to actually fly small personal aircraft they managed to fly at least three of those planes with the ease that comes with years of experience, not just a few days at flight school.
Go back to that picture of the Pentagon... Look how low that heavy, giant plane was flying to put a hole in the pentagon... Seriously at how fast was this thing flying, how steep a turn, to aim and hit that building with something a huge as a passenger jet takes a bit of skill, or dark miracle which apparently September 11 2001 was full of dark miracles.
The years after 9-11-01 the media and government chant was fear. The whole color coded Terrorist Threat thing was not about informing the public of the risks, it was about reminding everyone that Islamic Extremists are lurking in every shadow and we need our Government to protect us, thus need to give up a few more rights and freedoms in order to be 'safe':
It doesn't help that the Cheney (Bush) administration went from having Bin Laden as their number one goal, to '
I don't spend much time on Bin Laden'. But oh boy did we have a hard-on for Saddam, using 'sexed up' intel from the UK (which is the lap dog to the US in many manners) to justify Gulf War II, focusing attention on Iraq and leaving our military in Afghanistan to pretty much fend for themselves.
Then there are the Put Options:
http://www.cbsnews.com/news/profiting-from-disaster/ Fit into this as well.
The list of 'irregularities' on 9-11-2001 and the days, weeks, months and even years after the events of that day paint a not too comfortable picture of a Government that is either totally unable to defend itself from attacks, or there was willful complacency which lead to 3000+ people dead and an America that has never recovered.
The failures of organizations within government, like the FAA, the Air force, the Secret Service to remove the President of these United States in a swift manner from a soft target in the initial opening of what was already pretty much obviously a terrorist attack since, all point at the government already knowing what was happening and thus arraigned for events to unfold as they did.
Sorry, tragic accident of a plane flying into one of the Twin Towers at high speed on a clear, sunny day just doesn't wash no matter how innocent that morning started to be.
No one was punished, fired, or questioned for the failures of systems and checks that had been in place for decades in dealing with hijacked planes is impressive, especially from a government that loves to scapegoat people for minor crap, let alone major crap.