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A strange question about masturbation?
I was about 10 and an older friend who was kind of a bad boy asked me if I did, and when I said I didn't know what it was, he showed me. I tried but wasn't hard and it didn't work. He said I had to be hard. I did get hard now and then, so the next time I got hard I ran into the bathroom and holy shit it felt so good but so unusual that it scared me. Needless to say my fear abated and I did it again the next day, the difference now that I got hard thinking about doing it (convenient!). I can't remember when I first ejaculated, but it wasn't long after.

That scared me too (but I was back at it the next day). It wasn't long after that that I tasted it, and it became a dietary staple (to this day, and easier than hiding the tissues). By the time I was 14 I was pleasuring myself several times a day, at night two or three times in a row.

Then I discovered girls because they were willing (males willing to play together weren't to be found in my neighborhood in the '70s). But oh my god when I discovered males willing to have sex early and often, well girls sort of lost their allure. I still love masturbating.

i just remember t from wet dreams, and it went on from then on

cunningluvr Wrote:I was about 10 and an older friend who was kind of a bad boy asked me if I did, and when I said I didn't know what it was, he showed me.

Haha that sounds like my friend was to me! haha He was "a bad boy" in my mind because my mum did not like me hanging out with him and I felt like a rebel because I'd have him come over while my mum was at work and he'd leave before she got home. haha

Exact age unknown, but it was way earlier than 12. I'd say earlier than 6 but not totally sure. So, I don't exactly remember. I do remember my first dry orgasm -- actually kind of freaked me out a little. I grew up on a farm, to, and got naked as often as I could. Earlier on I'd gotten naked quite a lot but as I got older I got the message this wasn't allowed -- so I had to do it when I was away from the house where no one could see me. Lots of fields (corn grows quite tall), woods, and out buildings like the barn and woodshed. I can still get turned on by the smell of burlap grain sacks. :eek:

I got my first blow job by a guy at ganesha park and i loved it and i learned to masterbate thinking about it

I was still in elementary school when I started to masturbate. I had done a little playing with myself really early in my life. I found a back massager in my parents room and used it when I was young. Eventually that disappeared so I stopped masturbating. Eventually though I found out that if I rubbed myself I would feel pleasure. It was funny because back then I would see how fast I could climax and now I rather it take a long while I enjoy the sensation.

Unlike every one else who has spoken on the matter.... I didn't discover it on my own... I had adult help in 'discovery' about such matters.

Well that isn't altogether true.... I think.... Since I did do a bit of study and reading on the subject in my never ending quest to assure myself I was born gay (for what should now be obvious reasons - all of that adult help I got as a child)

I have read that the typical age that masturbation starts is between age 2-3 https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=whe...sturbating

Typically the parents are faced with the problem of teaching discretion, and in most cases the parent freaks out about that.

http://www.summitmedicalgroup.com/librar...turbation/ is a quick read.

I have been to other forums with parenting forums and a great number of parents (first time parents usually) are shocked and surprised that their preschooler has discovered their happy button. And in many cases once discovered the child pushes that button for all they are worth.

I honestly can't remember when I first did it. I do remember that I did it a lot!

Where's the strangest place you've ever knocked one out?

Mine was (please don't laugh!) at a Britney Spears concert many many years ago haha!! The show just ended and I went to the toilet for a wee and I suddenly had the urge to have a tug! I blame it on the adrenaline rush I got from the show.

Enjoyed playing with the pecker long as I can remember. Been getting my little fireman to start spitting since 11 or 12. Never had a wet dream as far as I can recall

My first time masturbating was when I was 12 or 13. Surprisingly, I started doing it without knowing about it beforehand, it just happened. At that time, I used to do it a lot (at least 2 times a day) and I had my science teacher as my fantasy, he was gorgeous!!

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