10-22-2014, 12:21 PM
Sorry for the long post but my mind is racing. I'm 29 and I have been with my partner for 7.5 years. I've never been attracted to guys my age so he is quite a bit older than I am. After my terrible first relationship, I found the most amazing guy in Jack. He has an electric personality, he's incredibly funny, he's like Cary Grant levels of handsome, and a very caring individual even if he tends to put walls up around himself. He is a wounded combat Marine who has always been in the closet as a bisexual, and he suffers from PTSD and has been recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
Jack is bisexual and doesn't hesitate to correct people who suggest he is gay. His family thought he was heterosexual and never had a reason to suspect otherwise. He has said he is more sexually attracted to women than men, but he prefers relationships with men. The way in which he is most unlike me is that he can date or have sex with someone despite no physical attraction. Either way his relationships never lasted long. The women he's been with have always wanted marriage and kids when he just wanted to have sex. He's always been too promiscuous for any serious relationship-seeker to bother with him for too long. That said, I am the longest relationship he's ever had. We have an open relationship but in 7+ years he still says he has never bothered to sleep with anyone else. That doesn't mean I am ready to consider myself "the one", but I have fallen in love with Jack. I know I'm not his ideal because my name isn't Marilyn Monroe, but he has told me I'm very handsome even if I know I'm not his fantasy. We have so much in common otherwise that we are completely simpatico.
We started living together a few years ago. I have a severe neurological disorder that causes motor tics which put me in excruciating pain. I was on painkillers for years because of this and it turned me into an irritable, nagging bitch. He is very supportive of my condition even if he wasn't thrilled with how I'd act sometimes when I was medicated. I got off the painkillers this year because I'd rather be in pain than drive him away. Unfortunately my condition makes it difficult to work now and he's supporting me in a big way. I've been looking for desk jobs but in San Francisco they are very hard to get and I can no longer drive because of my condition.
Jack started getting manic last month while we were on vacation. He was drinking very heavily on the cruise ship every day for 2 full weeks, far more than I'd ever seen him drink before. Then he had a severe mental breakdown two weeks ago. He came home completely wasted and said he didn't love me anymore (so you did love me??) and when the lease is up we are going our separate ways. He said he couldn't live two lives anymore. I wanted to die. This wasn't a year into the relationship, it was almost 8 years. He started going crazy. I had no idea what to do except stay up with him for 24 hours so he didn't try to drive the car. I called his brother who came over and told me to call 911.
The first week I spent 12 hours a day with him at Kaiser and now 6 hours a day with him at a private psych unit (stricter visitation rights). The staff actually requested me to be there with him because he was so agitated from the medication and the acute psychosis and I was the only person who would calm him down. He'd go from pacing around the room and throwing things to sitting on the bed with me and talking. His brother asked me if we were in a relationship and I had no choice but to tell him the truth. He said he thinks Jack being in the closet is why he had the breakdown. His brother said he loved Jack, and he loved me, and he didn't care. He just doesn't want Jack to hurt himself.
The paranoia-fueled mood swings are still there. He goes from saying he doesn't love me anymore to saying I am the #1 person in his world. He'll ask for a big hug and kiss and then an hour later yell at me to stop touching him. This morning he accused me of manipulating him and said he couldn't trust me. Later in the day we were sitting on the bed talking about how we were going to spend most of our days together once he gets out. I'm worried his bipolar disorder is going to rip me to shreds, but I can't even think about leaving him. I'm extremely concerned about how his bipolar disorder is going to impact him as he is grappling with his identity and coming out. He knows he has to change things in his life to become mentally healthy, and I'm terrified he's going to pick going back into the closet and seeing only women.
Jack is bisexual and doesn't hesitate to correct people who suggest he is gay. His family thought he was heterosexual and never had a reason to suspect otherwise. He has said he is more sexually attracted to women than men, but he prefers relationships with men. The way in which he is most unlike me is that he can date or have sex with someone despite no physical attraction. Either way his relationships never lasted long. The women he's been with have always wanted marriage and kids when he just wanted to have sex. He's always been too promiscuous for any serious relationship-seeker to bother with him for too long. That said, I am the longest relationship he's ever had. We have an open relationship but in 7+ years he still says he has never bothered to sleep with anyone else. That doesn't mean I am ready to consider myself "the one", but I have fallen in love with Jack. I know I'm not his ideal because my name isn't Marilyn Monroe, but he has told me I'm very handsome even if I know I'm not his fantasy. We have so much in common otherwise that we are completely simpatico.
We started living together a few years ago. I have a severe neurological disorder that causes motor tics which put me in excruciating pain. I was on painkillers for years because of this and it turned me into an irritable, nagging bitch. He is very supportive of my condition even if he wasn't thrilled with how I'd act sometimes when I was medicated. I got off the painkillers this year because I'd rather be in pain than drive him away. Unfortunately my condition makes it difficult to work now and he's supporting me in a big way. I've been looking for desk jobs but in San Francisco they are very hard to get and I can no longer drive because of my condition.
Jack started getting manic last month while we were on vacation. He was drinking very heavily on the cruise ship every day for 2 full weeks, far more than I'd ever seen him drink before. Then he had a severe mental breakdown two weeks ago. He came home completely wasted and said he didn't love me anymore (so you did love me??) and when the lease is up we are going our separate ways. He said he couldn't live two lives anymore. I wanted to die. This wasn't a year into the relationship, it was almost 8 years. He started going crazy. I had no idea what to do except stay up with him for 24 hours so he didn't try to drive the car. I called his brother who came over and told me to call 911.
The first week I spent 12 hours a day with him at Kaiser and now 6 hours a day with him at a private psych unit (stricter visitation rights). The staff actually requested me to be there with him because he was so agitated from the medication and the acute psychosis and I was the only person who would calm him down. He'd go from pacing around the room and throwing things to sitting on the bed with me and talking. His brother asked me if we were in a relationship and I had no choice but to tell him the truth. He said he thinks Jack being in the closet is why he had the breakdown. His brother said he loved Jack, and he loved me, and he didn't care. He just doesn't want Jack to hurt himself.
The paranoia-fueled mood swings are still there. He goes from saying he doesn't love me anymore to saying I am the #1 person in his world. He'll ask for a big hug and kiss and then an hour later yell at me to stop touching him. This morning he accused me of manipulating him and said he couldn't trust me. Later in the day we were sitting on the bed talking about how we were going to spend most of our days together once he gets out. I'm worried his bipolar disorder is going to rip me to shreds, but I can't even think about leaving him. I'm extremely concerned about how his bipolar disorder is going to impact him as he is grappling with his identity and coming out. He knows he has to change things in his life to become mentally healthy, and I'm terrified he's going to pick going back into the closet and seeing only women.